Part 24

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The heat of the sun blasted Kayla's face as she crested the hill, gasping for air. There could be no doubt that she had been transported to hell. Most of her body ached with pain, her lungs burned and her heart pounded like it was going to explode out of her chest. She couldn't remember the last time she hadn't felt exhausted.

"Lord, when does it end?" Thandi complained next to her.

"When you can't stand up," Kayla gasped. She willed her burning thighs to take another step, though the pain was pushing tears into her eyes.

Their small group had been hiking for hours, each recruit taking turns to read the map and set the path. Occasionally, an instructor would emerge from the trees, check on them, then move on. When they weren't hiking in the hills, they were doing PT in camp, only gaining respite from the workouts during the classroom sessions, where they studied first-aid, navigation, or military history. Each week, Kayla noticed the morning assembly on the parade ground was smaller and smaller.

The instructors had started by taking the recruits on four-hour hikes, carrying packs filled with food, water, and clothes. When they were able to finish those marches, the time was increased to six hours, and at least once a week, ten hours. The instructors took them into the hills far from the coastline, so they could learn how to take bearings, identify landmarks, and guide themselves. Once the recruits had demonstrated their ability to navigate, their packs were filled with rocks. Kayla forced herself to accept each new layer of stress without complaint. The purpose of the training was clear; they would never be comfortable.

On this hike, she was confident she would make it to the end, though she struggled to stay focused. Ahead, Kayla saw Aaliyah stumble over a loose stone. She looked like she was falling asleep, and had been dragging her feet, careless of the rough terrain. Kayla wondered if she should grab the recruit and try to wake her up, but moving her own trembling legs was demanding enough.

Their group, led by Christie, was climbing up a steep mountain slope on a deteriorating rock-strewn path. When they came to a stream, Kayla watched anxiously while Aaliyah stepped on the glistening wet slabs. Her foot slipped and her body smacked into the rock. Then she was sliding, losing control as gravity dragged her down the steep hillside towards the top of a waterfall.

Pain forgotten, Kayla dropped her pack and vaulted over the stream, scrambling through the dirt and trees on the other side. Looking over, she saw the terrified girl had come to a stop, clutching onto thin branches as she hung over a thirty-foot drop. Kayla peered over the cliff, spotted a rocky ledge below, and began to climb down.

She lowered herself, but had trouble finding the ledge with her outstretched foot. Her arms reached full extension and Kayla offered a silent prayer. When her toes met resistance, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Shuffling across the cliff face, she came to the struggling Aaliyah, who was trying to haul herself up as others gasped and yelled fruitless advice from above.

Kayla evaluated the scene and thought quickly. First, she had to get her attention. "Hey—it's Aaliyah, right?" she asked.

The girl's head snapped around, eyes wide with panic. "Help! I'm slipping!" she cried desperately.

Kayla found a solid hold with her right hand, then, steadying herself, leaned across the sickening drop. "See that hole in the rock across from you? Look where I'm pointing!"

Aaliyah's eyes focused on the weathered limestone as her muscles strained.

"If you grab my arm," Kayla continued, "you can put your left hand there and you'll swing onto this ledge."

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