Part 68

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Far above Kayla's head, the Venomous Vipers of Bravo company gathered on the flight deck of the Banshee. They stood before the bulky Titan dropships that would carry them down to the mountains to confront an enemy worse than any that Valkyrie had faced in hundreds of years.

Thandi watched as Captain Aguilar strode in front of them, calmly observing the gathered women. Some sat or kneeled, allowing their comrades behind them to see, as they waited expectantly to hear what their commander had to say.

"Two days ago," she began, "I got a call from Chieftain-General Smyrna, and Colonel Haft, the battalion commander. When I went to see them, Smyrna looked as grave as I have ever seen her in my time in this organization. She said 'Captain, the situation on Caldera is grave. Very grave.' Ladies, I did not hesitate—I looked her straight in the eye and I said a single word. When I said that word, I saw all hint of worry leave her face, and the gleam of victory was in her eye. That word was Viper. I have absolute confidence that this company, one of the finest companies of Rangers I have ever seen, will get the job done, and so does she.

"She also said 'Praise the stars this didn't happen on a forest moon', but I won't say anymore about that."

The assembled Rangers laughed, happy to take a friendly jab at a sister battalion.

"There is a Jotnar device under those mountains capable of transforming animals and humans into killing machines. These have been the source of the attacks, the hundreds of deaths on Caldera that you will no doubt have heard about these last few years. A team of Helvetic scientists and Special Forces have been working in secret to turn the relics of a terrible alien war machine on innocent people to satisfy their political goals."

Thandi's heart burned with fury for the father that Kayla had lost, as well as the other colonists. If she was still unsure of her place in the unfolding war machine, she was at least certain that her friend would soon be avenged.

"Intel estimates," Aguilar continued, "that more than two hundred colonists have been captured and potentially transformed. In a few hours, we will drop into the mountains to engage in battle with these creatures, while other elements take advantage of that opportunity to assault their main base. They will disable this technology and kill or capture those responsible."

She paused for a moment, staring into the distance.

"When i heard about the loss of our sisters Rachel and Adaku last week, it tore my heart in two. Today, that pain has settled into rage, because I am sick to my stomach of losing the greatest women the galaxy has ever seen, because arrogant, ego-centric space scum couldn't figure out how to break their cycle of violence, forcing us once again to expend blood cleaning up their trash.

"Vipers, make no mistake, this battle will cost us in blood once again. Here is my down payment."

She drew a knife from her belt and the Rangers watched in silence as she ran it across her arm. A red splash fell to the deck. It was a deep cut, but the bleeding stopped quickly as nanites worked to repair the injury.

"If I must pay the rest in full today, so be it. I pay it willingly if it spares the lives of innocents. Vipers, keep in mind that the scientists on the objective are civilian non-combatants and will be treated as hostages. Whatever sins they have committed in the name of their political and scientific agenda is not our concern. They will be delivered to Caldera's authorities to be judged accordingly. No matter what you see down there, you will not harm them unless they are armed, and threatening to harm you.

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