Part 27

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"At least the food is good," Kayla announced as she wolfed down sausage and potato.

At the start of the course, many girls had hesitated to finish their plates, until injuries became more common. The instructors reminded the class that undereating meant damaged muscles, which meant more accidents and injuries. Now, recruits piled their plates with as much food as they could, and ate as quickly as possible, although some managed this more efficiently than others.

"The highlight of the day, indeed," Christie said. "After sleep."

She wiped a smudge of something wet from her cheek that had passed through the chaotic region of Kayla's mouth, like a comet sling-shotting around a star. "Madam, are you aware that you eat like an angry chimpanzee?"

Kayla stopped to swallow. "If I'm so grotesque, then why do you hang around with me?"

Christie smiled sweetly. "I find you to be a fascinating character study of the frontier peasant mindset."

"That's very touching."

"What fascinates you about my mindset?" Thandi asked.

Christie thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Nothing really."

Thandi and Kayla exchanged sympathetic glances, then turned their heads as a commotion broke out in the canteen. Tyra Swanson had knocked over Rose's tray.

Rose jumped to her feet. "You did that on purpose!" she snapped. "You're even worse than Kayla—at least she has the sense to avoid me!"

Tyra smirked at Rose and walked away.

Kayla raised an eyebrow. "Hmm, we should hang out with Tyra more often."

"Uh-uh, don't be like that," Thandi said. "Pranks are all good fun, but this group ostracism stuff has to end. Everyone is trying to get through this, and it's really bad for morale. I know Rose can be a problem, but you don't have to make it worse."

"Oh, come on," Kayla complained. "See that hoodie she's wearing? That's an instructor hoodie. I have no idea how she got a hold of it, but she clearly feels the need to elevate herself above everyone else."

Christie raised a finger. "Or she got it because she knew it would get under your skin. At what point do both of you decide to stop acting like children and realize we are training to be part of a professional team?"

"Hold on a second?" Thandi said. "Did you just agree with me?"

Christie's eyelids fluttered. "Don't be ridiculous."

"Rose will drop out," Kayla said. "She's only here because she can't let me beat her at something."

"That's amazing," Thandi said. "So, you're the center of her whole universe, huh?"

Kayla took a deep breath and rubbed her temples. "You remember I told you that I met Urtiga when I was attacked by a monster?"

They nodded and watched her with interest.

Kayla stopped herself, conscious that years had passed since the last time she had talked about what had really happened that night. The act felt wrong, like she was committing a crime. "What I didn't tell you," she said slowly, "was that my father was killed during that attack. Trying to save me." She blinked away a tear.

"I'm so sorry," Thandi said gravely. "That must have been awful." She put a hand on Kayla's shoulder. "Anything you need, just ask."

Kayla nodded gratefully.

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