Part 58

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They came to Caldera by many different routes over the course of two weeks, from early morning to late evening, avoiding patterns that a suspicious eye might pick up. Amongst the usual stream of travelers there appeared cheerful, athletic women, either visiting family, pursuing business interests, or planning expeditions into the planet's unexplored regions.

Most landed at the spaceport, their tickets stamped as tourists. Several arrived on freighters, disembarking at the industrial docks. Two were dropped off by a friend's luxury star-yacht—a story they would later tell around bars and campfires to jealous audiences. Once they had landed, the travellers moved overland using different methods; some hitchhiking, while others took a chartered bus, or travelled with seasonal farmhands. All converged on an old and disused machine workshop, near the edge of the Lanstead plain, and close to the mountains.

Kayla watched the parade of arrivals from Urtiga's mysterious unit. Hauling backpacks and carry bags into the main building's cramped living space, they rolled out mats and sleeping bags onto makeshift pallets. Small non-descript bags were extracted from their cargo with exaggerated care. These were opened to reveal disassembled weapon parts that were quickly fitted back together, cleaned, oiled, and dry-fired.

Once the work was completed, the women got together in groups, cracking open cold drinks, to gossip about friends and memories. They treated Kayla like a servant, ordering food and making her clean up, and she tried her best to avoid them.

Only Urtiga, one of the first to arrive, treated her with any patience. "No-one hates you, Kayla," she explained. "After your stunt in Rackeye you have to earn back your respect."

Kayla had travelled to the workshop with Zhang and Christie soon after the discussions in Rackeye had reached a tipping point. The infamous Chieftain Smyrna had gotten involved, taking over command of the operation and assembling a task force.

Masey's ODT team was only a small element, and as they were already familiar with the city, they had been ordered to stay there and watch for more activity. The senior chief's anger at this news had echoed throughout the safe house, though Kayla was at least relieved that she was no longer a target for it.

Once the team got in touch with Jack, he quickly found them the new location in the farms, and arranged to buy it. Kayla hadn't exchanged more than a few words with him since they arrived. She didn't have the heart to tell him about what had happened in Rackeye, and what it might mean for her future.

Fortunately, she could confide in Urtiga, who wanted to hear the whole story.

"So, wait, you actually pretended to be a crazy stalker?" The master sergeant snorted with laughter. "Ten points for originality. Did they go for it?"

"No." Kayla frowned, disappointed as she was by her acting abilities. "Something had them spooked about super women running around."

Urtiga shrugged. "Yeah, it's hard to interact with the population and not create a few rumors."

"Shame. If it had worked, I wouldn't be getting kicked out."

"They're not going to kick you out. If they kicked out every operator who did something stupid, they'd have nobody left to serve beer, let alone fight."

"You think so?" Kayla barely dared to get her hopes up.

"Hey Gucci," Urtiga called to someone nearby.

The woman stopped fiddling with the sights on her weapon and looked up. "Yeah 'tig?"

"How many times did I do something completely stupid as a Ranger, and nearly get canned?" Urtiga asked.

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