Part 65

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"You lost, Ranger?"

Thandi looked around to see the familiar face of Cara Favre—Urtiga's Pararescue friend—watching her. She smiled sheepishly. "Um... yeah this place is a maze."

She had been wandering the cramped metal walkways of the Banshee, trying to find her way to the canteen, but she hadn't figured out the cryptic compartment names. Harassed-looking women passed by her as they worked the ship, and their impatient demeanour had made Thandi think twice about asking for directions.

"Where are you trying to get to?" Cara asked, radiating earnest helpfulness.

"Oh uh... the canteen, I guess."

Cara cocked an eyebrow. "You guess?"

"I think my squad is there, but there's so much coming and going I just..." Thandi waved a hand in front of her face. "I guess I'm losing it."

Nearly thirty-six hours earlier the operation order had come down, and Kes had begun barking orders at the squad. They were deploying to Caldera, she explained without going into detail. They were to get all their kit together, check and clean their weapons, then be ready to load onto transports out to Tyr's starport.

A rush of activity followed until a last-minute schedule change left the whole company sat in a boarding hall with nothing to do but stew for several hours. Thandi alternated between prayer, and the guilty feeling that she was wrong to ask for special treatment.

Despite feeling constantly on edge, she was grateful that she had her squad leader to look to in the maelstrom of chaos. Kes seemed to know everything that was happening and what to do about it. She watched over the squad like a demon, making sure they had packed everything they needed, and were in the right places at the right times.

Once the shuttles reached the Banshee waiting in orbit, one hundred and fifty Rangers had piled out into the claustrophobic metal corridors and berths. Bunks were quickly assigned, then they were pushed out of the way of the harassed crew of the starship. Thandi had a bunk—more of a shelf she thought—lined up with dozens of others, and a small cubby hole to pack her rucksack into. That, and any trip to the head, was all the personal space she was allowed.

Her time shipboard was spent navigating a frustrating maze, in closer proximity to hundreds of women than she had imagined possible, as she squeezed between bodies on the way to the mess, to a briefing, or back to the bunk.

Though she was now completely lost, the friendly face of Cara meant that she would not have to ask for help, and expose herself as the shameful 'Freakin' New Girl'. Thandi's shoulders relaxed for the first time in days, and she felt the ache of stiff muscles.

Cara winked at the young Ranger. "You want to see something awesome?"

Thandi smiled and nodded. She was led through a series of turns and corridors until the wide-open space of the ship's hangar appeared before her.

Large drop ships stood in a neat line, surrounded by smaller, more agile looking craft. Cara walked straight past them as Thandi hurried to keep up, until they approached the bulk of a sleek fighter jet. A group of women were slowly maneuvering it onto a rail which disappeared down a tunnel through the hull.

Thandi recognized Toska, and another pilot stood to one side, examining a clipboard.

"Thought I'd show you this since you were nearby anyway," Cara said with a wink. "Pretty cool, huh? Oh—step aside there."

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