Chapter4- Hotel

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I grab Deans arm and place it over my shoulder, helping him away from the bar and into the car outside. "I'm glad you're m- my wife" he says stumbling over his own words. "Yeah, me too?" i say sarcastically helping him into the car. This is already draining, biggest mistake was agreeing to do this because now, i'm trapped in a loop of immaturity and rudeness by a male. I won't stand for it!

We get to the hotel and go up the elevator, i keep hold of him in the elevator so he doesn't fall over by the wanders of his drunken self. Because unlike him, i have respect and care for people. I consider them as much as i do myself. We walk to our room and i unlock the door. To be honest the room isn't that bad, it's not all fancy, it has some flaws, but what it does have is 2 bedrooms so thankfully my mother was somehow thinking it through.
I lay him in the main bedroom and take off his shoes, as i begin to walk out he reaches out and grabs my wrist.

"Where you going Mary Anne?" he says softly clenching my wrist. "I'm going to sleep in the other room, we've known each other only a day don't you suppose it's a little bit strange?" I ask him nicely "Not at all, don't be silly sweetie, come to bed" He mutters. I almost shrink to the floor with the amount of cringe my body fills when he calls me sweetie. It's the wildest ick i've ever imagined, i play it off with a light smirk.

"Thank you an all, but no i'm going to sleep in the other room" I say flinging my wrist out from the cup of his hand. I leave the room and walk into the spare bedroom. Luckily enough the door has a lock on it so i can actually have some privacy in a public hotel for once. I turn the lock shut, and begin undressing so i can get into some comfy pjs, once that's done i head to the personal bathroom that my room had, and in one of the drawers had a fresh pack of toothbrushes and toothpaste. I brush my teeth and wash my face with a lukewarm flannel.

I get myself into bed tucked in with a novel, one of my favourites actually, the name is Wuthering Heights, Brönte can write i tell you. The most feminine novel i've ever read. I still wonder if Dean has as much integrity and intelligence as i do. It would help the marriage if he even had the slightest amount of respect. The nicest thing he's said to me this whole time was the vows and even they were harsh "Pretty bummed to be blind married with you" like who even says that?

If he hasn't got his shit together by next week i'll be having serious words, i'm not standing for no shit, not after my dad treating my mother badly. I finish my chapter of Wuthering Heights, i place a bookmark inside and place it on the bedside table ready to read in the morning with a nice cup of coffee. Through the thin walls i hear waves of deep snoring coming from Dean, which means he's actually asleep, now i can get some rest.

I puff up the pillow and lay down on my side, dreaming about how life would be if i didn't get myself into this situation, let's just say peaceful and happy. Not dramatically filled with chaos and anxiousness. I'm cautious to even go near Dean. I hate drinkers, i despise them. My dad is a drunk and nothing more, how a human can be that fascinated with alcohol is beyond questionable to me. I thought i'd never deal with another male drinker after my dad left. Here we are, set on a marriage with a drunken idiot.

I blame my mother for this irrelevant incident. She could've waited till i found the right person, not set me up on a blind marriage with a stranger. What idiot decides to do that. If i were my mother and i had me as a daughter i'd let her find the right guy in time, i wouldn't set her on a blind marriage, but you know. My mother always had a flare for the dramatics.

Millions of thoughts pop into my mind on what it would be like without Dean, i could be studying, i could be writing my own books, i could be at home with my mother. I just wish my mother wasn't so silly, silly enough to do this anyway. My eyes begin to feel like they are glued, to the point i can no longer open my eyes, i slowly start to slip away into a deep sleep.

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