Chapter9- The Journey

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"Well you're rude, arrogant and somewhat ignorant" i say standing up. "Well whatever, if you have a baby i'm not looking after it, i don't have to." he says lying on his bed taking his shoes off.
How dare he be this arrogant. A normal person would be offering to help not just excuse themselves from it all together!

I begin walking out of his bedroom, because this conversation, was clearly going nowhere and he was adamant on not being a part of my baby's life, even if we're married or not. Now i've just got to tell my mother and father. I walk down the street with my cold hands dug into the depth of my leather pockets, taking steps after each sigh of cold breath.

The walk to my Mothers house felt as if it took years, but i was back. A part of me wish i took longer because now i have to tell my mother about the pregnancy. I walk inside greeting my mother with a hug, and sit down beside her. "Mum, we need to talk" i say putting my hands on my knees, leaning forward. "Oh, okay? What about?" she says also leaning forward looking at me with confusion.

"I'm, Im pregnant ma" i say stumbling with my words, and nervously playing with my hand. "Pregnant? you slept with Dean?" she says, possibly jumping to conclusions because i did NOT sleep with Dean!
"No mum, i didn't sleep with anyone that's what i'm trying to say!" i slowly begin raising my voice only inches louder.

"Okay Okay, well we will have to see won't we, but no matter what, baby or not i'll still be by your side, every step of the way, your my daughter" she says softly smiling.
And to my surprise, she's actually being quite supportive about this, and mature.
Obviously unlike Dean, but we're still working on that. Not to mention he's working night shifts again, he's been so busy lately.

I basically only see him on Sundays, he's always over working and always so busy, never has an actual break. The dumbest thing he ever did was take extra shifts because now i'm going to need help and he won't even be here to help me. He had money coming in left right and centre. Around 300-400 a day. He doesn't even spend it though, he just saves it.

Has me wondering and eager to find out what the money is for, he keeps all of it locked in the safe in his kitchen, and only he knows the code to it. He won't tell me what the money is for though, he just says he is saving it. I'm going to need his help though, because i'm literally 3 weeks pregnant so i'm going to need the nice Dean back to help.

Besides his cocky attitude and besides the fact that every time he talks i want to punch him in his fat head. Things are well, we haven't really argued that much, and when we do it's sorted 1 minute later. Things are well but they could be better.
He just needs to handle the fact that i am his wife, he should be respectful.

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