Chapter17- Visiting

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After a rough night of questioning and overthinking, i manage to get myself out of bed to see my nan. My mother comes in, buttoning up her top. "You almost ready?" She asks. "mhm" i mutter under my breath. "This still about me and your dad?" she says leaning against the door frame. "No." i say bluntly but loud enough so she heard me.

"If this is about Dean, don't worry sweetheart, no man could ever love you like i will, and time heals okay?" She says with a soft smile below her rosy red cheeks. "I love you mam" i say, stroking a hairbrush through the roots of my hair.
"I love you millions more." She says walking out the door. Well i see my nan and gramp today. So let's hope they don't bring up Dean into the conversation.

I grab my bag, and head downstairs to the porch outside my house, before i close the door i see my dad standing in the kitchen waving. "Dad you can come you know." i say to him. "Got a few errands to run away  love." he says sipping on his coffee. "alright, see you later!" i shout closing the door behind me. "We driving my car?" i ask my mother. "Yeah come on, they're expecting us."

Although my mind was hanging on by the thread of next to nothing. Family was always the happiest place, somewhere i could go when i needed a hand, things are getting tough, really really tough and to be honest i don't know how long i can go on.
The pain inside me it's swallowing me up.
We're almost at my nans so i need to get myself together.

5 minutes later we arrive, as her house is just on the outskirts of our town. I see my gramp stood at the door smiling at both me and my mother, as we step out the car.
"I like your wheels! where'd you get them?" My gramp chuckles. I automatically freeze as i remember the time he opened my eyes and showed me the car for the first time. I was so happy, we were getting somewhere.

"Story for another time." i say, playing iit off with a short laugh. I go into my nans house and see her sat on the chair, doing crossword puzzles in magazines. The amount of times she tried to teach me that, i still could never get the hang of it.
"Oh hey sweetie, how are you?" She asks me, closing the magazine in her hand.
"Hey nana, i'm good what about you." i say, returning a nice conversation.

"Im great, how's things at home, are you getting better after the baby?" she asks offering me a seat beside her. "Yeah i'm getting there." i say with a small smile that began to fade after she mentioned Dean.
"So how's things with Dean?" she said. Instead of replying i shrug my shoulders and try to change the topic. "So how's work?" i ask "Im on my day off but it's a good new job, good pay too."

"You never said what it was?" I ask "Bricklaying, very good pay, and if you do night shifts it's like 400 a day!" She says with a grin. I sit in silence as 1000 different voices echo in my head, everything is Dean. Where ever i go, it all comes back to Dean. I leave the room.  And get in the car and wait for my mother in there.

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