Chapter20- The Funeral

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17 days later, the day had come. I never thought i'd ever see it. It was her funeral day. The day that would scatter me all over, and tear me down. But it wasn't a worry, now she was at rest, she wasn't anymore hurting. She was safe.
I dress formally into a navy suit, with a brown tie, as brown was her forever favourite colour.

I drive to the funeral chapel, only 20
minutes away from my house. Screw the petrol that's my wife's funeral. I arrive there standing by her mother and i say to her that i am truly sorry, and that i was giving her some time to have peace. She accepted it, and walked me into the chapel. She had a light brown coffin, and on top was photos of her. We all get seated, and i see women in light brown dresses and all the men with brown ties.

Her mother goes to make a speech, holding the paper in her hand, as a tear drop falls down her face "Thank you all for being her today, my name is Jessie and i am Mary Anne's mother. I never thought i'd do this speech, nor attend her funeral. My daughter was one of a kind, she was strong and independent and always had some sort of a routine in her life, but things slipped out of grip for her, and she eventually decayed. Taking her down from that rope and holding her as her cold skin touched the palm of my hands, shattered me. That is something no mother should experience. I come today to not only grieve the death of my daughter, but to celebrate her life, if you'd all follow me to the graveyard where we can lower her to rest" Her mother says

We all walk out of the chapel, getting led to the graveyard where the hole was dug, they lowered her into the pit of nothingness, and i knelt down to my knees, i picked a rose from my pocket and threw it down to her coffin. I could no longer see this sight without my heart snapping into 2. I leave the funeral and drive back home. It was the worst day.

If i had stayed home with her, she's be in my arms watching her favourite series instead of being in that cold casket underground. This is all my fault, i never answered the calls or messages. Or ever read the letters. THE LETTERS!

I grab my bag and search inside to find the last letter she had sent me, only 2 days before she committed suicide.
The letter says "To Dean, It's getting rough here without you, will you tell me why you left? did you care for me? did you really want to be with me? I cared so deeply for you Dean, i don't know how much longer i can take of this. Everything's going downhill, please come home, yours sincerely Mary Anne.

I see a large tear of cold water drip onto the letter as my heart crumbles. Why didn't i stay? I could've avoided this. And it's all my fault, maybe i need a drive to clear my head, i should just go round the outskirts of the town. It's dark and late so it should be nice and quiet for me.

I start driving around the outskirts and see a car speeding towards me on the wrong side of the road, every second he kept getting closer to the point i had no time to react. The next thing i knew is that i was laid in the car unharmed, with the bonnet crushed in, only millimetres from my foot.
I get out of the car and call the services for a tow truck.

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