TAA 45: Remember

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In the aftermath of the celestial burst, the fragments of the goddess of light scattered like stardust across the vast canvas of the Dalaysian sky. The once-pervasive darkness that shrouded the world began to lift, unveiling the tapestry of stars and the radiant moon above.

Austin the Destroyer, now awakened, stood amidst the cosmic aftermath, his sorrow echoing in the ethereal silence. His dreams of a union with the goddess of light shattered, replaced by the bitter reality of her sacrifice. Confusion and agony painted his countenance as he grappled with the inexplicable turn of events.

Meanwhile, Fate of Esher seized the opportunity, her plan to ascend as the supreme god of Dalaysia now set in motion. The trials of the gods awaited her, a perilous journey that would test her divine essence and reshape the destiny of the world. The echoes of her whispered ambitions reverberated through the remnants of the goddess's sacrifice. After all, everything is still according to plan.

As the celestial fragments continued to drift, a poignant stillness enveloped Dalaysia. The towns, the forests, and the mountains bore witness to the cosmic spectacle that unfolded above. The sacrifices and choices made by the goddess of light would reverberate through the annals of time.

The divine transition marked the dawning of a new era, where the threads of fate intertwined with the tapestry of free will. The once oppressive influence of gods was replaced by the delicate balance between the mortal realm and the divine forces that governed it.

In the Emerald Forest, the ancient trees stood sentinel, their leaves whispering tales of the extraordinary events that transpired. The echoes of the past harmonized with the anticipation of a future where destinies were shaped by choices, not dictated by deities.

The sun began to rise on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape. As daylight embraced Zegordia— the kingdom that suffered from this trial— a sense of renewal filled the air. The journey that started with uncertainty and manipulation concluded with a revelation of individual strength and resilience. The world, now freed from the shadows of divine schemes, bore witness to a realm where the light of choice guided the destinies of mortals and gods.

But is it truly the end?

Fabienne slowly stirred from her ethereal repose, the memories of the celestial burst and the sacrifice of the goddess of light lingering in the recesses of her consciousness. As she opened her eyes to the blinding light, she found herself perched on a branch of an ancient tree in the heart of the Emerald Forest.

The soft whisper of leaves and the gentle rustle of the wind greeted her senses. Lu-Lin, her loyal assistant in the Beast Pillar, stood below, calling her name with a mixture of concern and relief. "Your highness! The butterfly queen is looking for you. She's not buying any more lies, and I can't keep lying about your whereabouts!"

Attempting to shake off the remnants of her dreams, Fabienne slowly descended from the tree branch. The vivid images of celestial fragments and the shifting destinies of gods and mortals still danced in her mind like elusive shadows.

As Lu-Lin approached, concern etched on her delicate features, Fabienne struggled to reconcile the experiences of her slumber with the waking world. "Lu-Lin, what happened? Where is Zaryn? And what about the goddess of light?"

Lu-Lin hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "Zaryn...goddess of light? Did you hit your head or something? I told you Princess, jumping from tree to tree is very unladylike. You are an heir to the throne of Emerald Forest, you better act dignified rather than a dirty fairy, with what…delusions?”

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