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"If someone loves you truly they will show
it in their actions rather than spilling it in

The very next day Faiz woke up early,
offered salah and then at around 8 AM drove towards the hospital. He didn't eat or drink anything since yesterday and hardly talked to anyone. He remembered one thing that she might wake up anytime and he should be beside her.

He ran upstairs without waiting for the
elevator to come and went to meet the doctor.Without asking for permission or waiting for his turn, he opened the door that said "Dr Shekhar Oberoi, MBBs, Md Neurologist",and went inside. The doctor was busy talking to another patient.

"Hello sir,... How is my... wife?", Faiz was
breathless by running all this way.Dr Shekhar and the patient threw a confused
look. The doctor raised his eyebrows and
replied calmly, "Please wait outside I will get to you after him".

"But tell me once, How is she?", there was
panic and fear in his voice as Faiz yelled.

On seeing his condition, Shekhar asked him
to sit down and clearly state his purpose of
visit. "My wife Rukhsaar, she met with an....accident yesterday. I'm Faiz her hubb...husband. Please tell me how is she?," Faiz tried to speak in a cool manner controlling all the emotions that may drown him anytime.

"Ohh.. Her. Well, I'm sorry to tell you but she is still unconscious, we have recently sent her for a CT scan and MRI. The reports will speak next. And God forbid, but if she doesn't show any signs of consciousness then we will have to shift her to ICU.", Dr Shekhar spoke in his usual tone, the way he talked to every other patient. "Have patience and hope for the best", He gave a slight smile and blinked both his eyes, wanting Faiz to have faith.

Faiz's stomach clenched at the doctor's
words. He was losing hope. He was losing
Rukhsaar. His heart was hopeless and gave up on him but his mind was still with him, asking him to believe and have faith in the master and creator of all.

"Hmm..ok..fine...I will wait till the reports
come and... Well sorry for disturbing you",
Faiz excused himself and closed the door
behind him. He sat on the bench where other people were sitting and were waiting for their turn. He sat there with his eyes closed, not knowing what to do and where to go. He was only waiting for Rukhsaar to open her eyes and speak to him. He wanted to hold her close and ask her to forgive him for all those times and for their loss. He wanted to change himself for her. He wanted to promise her, promise her to be there for her whenever she needed him, promise her to never let her down...

"Excuse me, sir... The doctor wants to meet
you.. Hello", the nurse spoke and slightly
poked him trying to get his attention.
Faiz woke up from his thoughts suddenly
and looked around and then at her. He didn't know how long he was sitting there.

"The doctor says the report has come and
needs to talk to you about it", Nurse spoke
again making sure he was listening to her
and then she went towards the nextperson.
Faiz went inside and sat in front of the
doctor without a hint of emotion. He didn't
speak and was waiting for the doctor to speak something positive.

It's good news, the reports are fine and she is perfectly alright. You can take her home...!

Dr Shekhar spoke and his words made Fawad focus on him rather than on his trailing mind and thoughts.

"Faiz... The reports are not that good
I'm afraid. See... This CT scan image shows
Swelling (oedema) in her brain, which results in increased pressure within the skull and that decreases the flow of blood and can lead to see.", Shekhar continued, "But there is still hope...she will be treated by best surgeons in Delhi and Dr Thomas, a neurosurgeon from the US will be visiting tomorrow, so don't worry, we will show her reports to him and... Faiz are you listening?

Faiz was staring into nothing and sat there
without any emotion and the doctor's words made no sense to him at all. He whispered to himself, "Doctor, can I talk to her now?".

The room was engulfed in silence so Faiz's words could easily make their way towards
Shekhar's ear and on listening to it, he shifted on his seat, not knowing how to continue further. He simply dialled Faiz's landline number.

Faiz was waiting for his answer. He sat
there for what felt like hours. Just then
Aamina, Farmaan and Huda rushed into
the cabin. Aamina went to her son and tears rolled down his cheek when she hugged him close to her heart.

Dr Shekhar explained Rukhsaar's condition to Huda and Farmaan. He asked them to fulfil all formalities the hospital required.

After all such formalities were done, Rukhsaar was moved to ICU and all the requirements were made available. A nurse was appointed, the doctor explained Farmaan that they can Come and meet her whenever they want but should not exceed the visiting hours. He also explained that Rukhsaar will be undergoing proper treatment and there is nothing to worry about.

"Ammi, I have called Adil, he said he will
be reaching today but.. We have to explain
to him what Doctor said now... Rukhsaar is in coma..!", Farmaan spoke and kept a hand on Faiz's shoulder.

(Adil was the only sibling of Rukhsaar, who was staying in Dubai with his wife Sarah and daughter Aleena. When Rukhsaar was 6, she lost her father and Adil took his place. When Rukhsaar in her 2nd year of college, she lost her mom and now all she had was Adil.)

"Ya Allah, why he is doing all this to us.",
Aamina cried harder now.

"Have some water Ammi and please be
strong, If you will cry like this and lose hope, who will take care of Faiz Bhai", Huda spoke trying to suppress her sobs.
Farmaan, Huda and Aamina went one by
one to see Rukhsaar. All Faiz did was stare
into nothing as his tears promised not to stop from flowing down his cheeks.

"Faiz, do you want to see Rukhsaar? The doctor said we can see her in the ICU, umm...We have already seen her and now you're left..", Farmaan asked calmly, knowing the state his brother was in.

Faiz was quiet, he didn't react to Farmaan's offer, rather his eyes. He stood up and went
up to the wardrobe and after putting on
the gown that was meant to put on before
entering ICU, he set himself forward, towards Rukhsaar...!!

He stood beside her bed and didn't cry. His
lip quivered and he was at a loss for words.
All he did was stare, stared at her pale face,
stared at her lifeless yet living body stared
at her surrounding. He sat beside her bed
and took her right hand in both his hands.
He stayed that way for long enough to make himself realise that he has to wait, wait for her, wait for Allah's blessings, wait fora Miracle..!

Assalamualeikum readers!!!
Thanks for your precious votes, comments
and love.
Couldn't believe you would love it so far.
Masha Allah.
Thanks for your patience waiting.
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Jazakallah khair

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