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Rukhsaar was having a hard time dealing with her own trauma and overwhelming emotions. She slowly realized that she had been married and that she was staying with her in-laws who were no less than strangers under the same roof, at least for her. She felt as though she was forced to accept people and situations she knew nothing about. She cried every second for her loss,I can't thank Allah enough for this day as he made me the luckiest person in this whole world. I almost lost you and I can't tell you how much I missed you. Without Allah, I could not have imagined this day to come.

Please forgive me for my attitude in the past, and to be honest, your hubby has changed himself for you. My words can't explain how excited I am.

I love you.

Only yours, Faiz..

Trying to find peace with the words, Rukhsaar folded the piece of paper, which has already been crumpled many times before. The piece of paper that was attached to the bouquet Faiz had got with him for the first time he had come to meet her but the words didn't seem as if it was their first meet. The words meant more, it stated something else,something that Rukhsaar couldn't rememberor maybe her mind didn't help her to do so.Trying hard and in vain, Rukhsaar folded it andkept it at its place, beside the window.

Glancing at the outside world that seemed sosurreal these days, all she could wish was to find peace with her situation, with everything around her becoming so bizarre day by day.

A fine evening, Rukhsaar decided to step out for a brisk walk. She was feeling fine after somany days and wanted to have some fresh air. It was autumn,the weather was calm and warm with a touch of a chilly breeze.The colorful leaves shed by the trees tried to convey the change beautifully.

Rukhsaar breathed a sigh of relief at the sight and beamed while praising Allah in her thoughts. She was walking towards the park when she saw a cat on the other side of the road which seemed to have been limping.

Rukhsaar decided to go for its help and without a second thought, she was crossing the road.As she was an inch or two away from getting hold of the cat, a speeding van approach her proximity and in a fraction of seconds,the driver hit the brake and with a loud screech it stopped before slightly hitting Rukhsaar.

Meanwhile, when Rukhsaar the speeding van about to knock her, she closed her ears and cried out loud before falling down unconscious.

The driver got down to check on Rukhsaar. He was sure that the van was stopped in nick of time and that it didn't collide with her.He took a glance at the cat and without pondering over, he took them both to the hospital...

Faiz ran through the hospital, corridor to get to the room where his wife was. He wondered, Ya Allah! What's next!!?, as he rushed.

His eyes were getting moist with the thought,while his throat tightened, trying to hold back those tears.

Finally, he found the ward where he was supposed to seek the miracle finally.

He was trembling and thought he would pass out any moment. He saw a man nearby talking with the doctor. He went to them withevery bit of energy and hope he was left with.

"Sir, my.. Wi.. My wife sir, " Faiz trembled upon his words while he spoke. The words that came out were painful and pierced through his throat, bringing back those worst memories he had.

"Oh, Hello.. Mr Faiz, if I'm not wrong", the doctor replied with a wide smile.

Faiz was a bit confused and made a straight face to the doctor's response.

"Well, there is nothing to worry about. Your wife is fine. She had a breakdown from what I can see. Thanks to Mr Sohail, he's the one who brought your wife and her cat and now they both are doing well", the doctor said ashe looked at Faiz and Sohail with a smile before turning away to talk to other people there.

Sohail said that he's the one who had called Faiz  to inform him about the incident. Now that everything was good he took his leave,while Faiz thanked him and shook his hand before parting ways.

Faiz took a minute to register the words and while trying to understand what they meant, he pushed the door to the ward gently.

Rukhsaar sat by the window while stroking the cat gently. The cat had one of its legs bandaged but seemed to be at peace on Rukhsaar's lap.

Faiz entered the wardroom and felt a bit relieved to see the pictures moment in front of him. He stood there for like a minute after, which Rukhsaar became aware of his presence.

She turned to face him. Her eyes met hisand all their memories flashed before her eyes. She had already gotten her memory back during the incident that was moments away from being an accident. It's like after seeing him, the memory confirmed themselves to be theirs and not only an imagination of hers.

Rukhsaar ran towards Faiz and hugged him, mending the distance between them, "I missed you, love, I missed you so much." Rukhsaar sobbed and hugged him tightly this time. He could feel her tears on his shirt and his tears rolling down his chin to meet hers.

"Im sorry to make you feel this worse," Faiz said, hugging her and holding back his tears.

Faiz regretted all those times he couldn'tgive to his family and, most importantly, to Allah SWT! He knew the ultimate purpose of his existence at that very moment. He knew what love is, what compassion is, and above all, how Allah can change fate and create a miracle of which only he knew. Subhan Allah.

Assalamaleikum readers!!!
I hope you follow the story with the same interest that you had been doing so before.
Technically, the story comes to an end, and I will be writing the epilogue soon! Thank you everyone, for your love and support for my story.

Brace yourselves!!! :)

Keep loving and reading.

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