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"I don't know that love changes. People change. Circumstances change."

"Assalamaleikum... Umm Adil Bhai has reached the airport," Faiz  said as he entered his room.

Rukhsaar was sitting on the couch engaged in her thoughts. She looked up at Faiz and gave a straight smile.

Faiz scratched his head and smiled back. He hesitated but went and sat beside Rukhsaar.

"Did you have your dinner Rukhsaar?," Faiz asked looking into her eyes.

"Umm.. Yeah.. ," Rukhsaar replied and shifted in her seat.

Faiz sensed this and he got up and went to bring medicine from the drawer.

Rukhsaar was looking at Faiz but suddenly looked away when Faiz turned. He walked towards her and handed over the medicine to her and asked her to have it.

How did he know that I didn't have my medicine?

"Hey What happened?," Faiz waved his hand.

"Nothing... Shukran Allah," Rukhsaar took the medicine from and went to get the water bottle.

"Rukuu what is this? You have not taken your medicine yet. Why do you do this always?Don't you want to get well soon?, " Faiz went and sat beside Rukhsaar, who was reading a book.

"Huh.. I forgot. By the way, my husband is there to remind me so chill," Rukhsaar poked Faiz's nose.

"Ohhh so you are so lucky to have such a caring husband," Faiz smirked.

"Ahhh. Self-obsessed person, " Rukhsaar replied.

Faiz made a sad face and looked down andZaara who was smiling all this time hugged him and whispered into his ear, "Even if Ithank Allah every time I breathe I won't be able to thank him enough for bringing you into my life and completing me. You are and will always be the most caring and loving husband.I want us to be together in this life and in Jannah too. Insha Allah."

"Excuse me! I'm feeling sleepy. Can I sleep if you don't mind?," Rukhsaar asked which brought back Faiz to reality which was not as pleasing as the past.

Faiz looked at her for a while as if trying to read her thoughts,"Yeah sure it's high time already."

"Ummm. Allah Hafiz," Rukhsaar wished him and went to sleep.

Faiz adjusted her blanket and switched on the AC. He closed the door behind him and went to his balcony.

He gazed at those stars, thinking about the amazing creation of Allah. From invisible cells to the vast galaxy beyond measure was only known to humans rest of them were still unknown. As he stood there, many thoughts rushed through his mind making him sick but then he blinked his eyes and thanked Almighty for the beautiful life he was bestowed with. He thanked him for the loving family and those moments of happiness. His life was not perfect as no one had, everybody was dealing with their own problems but that doesn't make life less perfect.

Problems and trials make life worth living. If you don't face hardship you cannot taste comfort,you cannot enjoy good times, you will stop learning and growing. It is the driving force that helps you in moving forward. Now as he stood there he knew life is to cherish and not to regret anything. Though he had gone through the worst he was happy that it made him what he is now, improved his deen and made him closer to Allah.

Faiz went inside and sat beside Rukhsaar's sleeping figure. She was sleeping peacefully and the fact that she was there beside him was enough to make him happy. He believed that thigs will change. He got up and went tosleep on the couch with a smile.

Faiz woke up suddenly by his phone's vibration. He rubbed his eyes and went toget it. It was an alarm which said, "Time for Fajr", He was about to leave for the washroom when he remembered that he was not alone. He turned to look at Rukhsaar who was sleeping peacefully. He smiled to himself.He didn't want to disturb her sleep but then he was stricken with a piece of his memory and decided otherwise.

"Faiz it's almost time for Fajr, please get up Sweetheart," Rukhsaar called out.

"Baby I can...can't..even.., " Faiz murmured in his sleep.

"What? I cant get you? Please get up, I canhear the Azaan from the distant mosque,"Rukhsaar said into his ears.

Faiz did not seem to be affected by this so Rukhsaar shook him up. He woke up and satbeside her with anger.

"Why do you always disturb my sleep? Please can't you just spare me, " Faiz yelled at her.

"No.. I can't spare you. If I spare you today then I have to spare you in the day of judgement also. I love you and I cannot spare you and go to Jannah," Rukhsaar snapped.

"Rukhsaar.. Get up.. It's time for Fajr," Faiz bent down beside her sleeping figure and called out slowly.

Rukhsaar didn't move, so he put his hand on her head and asked her to get up again. Rukhsaar moved and then opened her eyes. On seeing Faiz's face so close, she got up suddenly. She was sweating profusely though the room was cool.

"Rukhsaar... Are you alright? What happened?,"Faiz's expression changed on seeing her condition.

"I want water please...," Rukhsaar panted.

Faiz brought the bottle and handed it to Rukhsaar. He was tensed at her condition and regretted waking her up.

"I had a nightmare, there is nothing to worry about," Rukhsaar said and smiled at Faiz.

"Ohhh... I was Ummm... Well, I just wanted to tell you that it's time for Namaz, if you are feeling well you can offer it now else later,"Faiz spoke in one breathe.

"No no I'm fine," Rukhsaar replied at once.

"That's good, so I will leave for masjid then,"Faiz smiled at her.

"Yeah...Well.. Can you offer Fajr Salah here with me, if you don't mind," Rukhsaar looked into his eyes and then looked away?

Faiz smiled to himself and then nodded his head.

Faiz and Rukhsaar offered the salah beside each other, in their own ways. It was the only thing Rukhsaar wished from Faiz, to remember the Almighty with him, It was the most romantic thing to her. Back then Faiz never did it but today as he sat beside her and prayed, he felt as if both were together in Jannah. He felt complete and perfect. This feeling was the most beautiful thing and no words were worthy enough to describe his happiness.

As Rukhsaar raised her hand in duaa, she thanked Allah for giving such a pious husband. She felt that her life is perfect and complete because she has someone who understood her and moreover helped her walk on the path of Jannah...

Little Did she knew that she was the reason behind her own perfect destiny.

Assalamualaikum readers!!!
So How was this chapter?
Do tell me what you feel about Rukhsaar & Faiz.

Jazakallah khair

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