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"Part of me aches at the thought of her
being so close yet so untouchable, but
her story and mine are different now. It
wasn't easy for me to accept this simple
truth, because there was a timne when our
stories were the same, but that was four
years and two lifetimes ago"

"Why are we going with them Bhai", Rukhsaar  raised her eyebrows when she found Adil taking her towards the stranger's car. Faiz and Aamina were standing beside the car, waiting for them to come. Adil had said that he will talk to Rukhsaar once they reach home. He said he will try to explain to her everything that is related to her past. Lying her about things will do no good instead will worsen her condition later.
Rukhsaar stopped in her track and looked at Adil for an answer. Adil turned to look into her eyes that held so many questions that could not be answered with ease.

"Sweetie... I will tell you everything once we
reach home", Adil said calmly.

Rukhsaar eyes darted towards the stranger who was standing beside his car. Who was he? Adil's friend, some distant relative, or.. Who? Why can't she remember anything about the stranger and the lady who
seemed to be his mother?

"Rukhsaar... What happened... Are you alright?", Adil panicked when he saw her closing hereyes and thinking hard.

"Im alright Bhai... I don't know.. I feel like I
forgot something", Rukhsaar said with a straight face.

" Ummm... You will get well soon Insha Allah", Adil said.

Adil and Rukhsaar walked towards Faiz and
Aamina. Faiz  took the bag from Adil's hand and kept it neatly inside the luggage rack. Without any word, he moved towards the driver seat. Aamina took the passenger seat beside him. Adil urged Rukhsaar enter the car and he himself entered after her.
"Shall we leave", Faiz asked.

"Yah sure...", Adil replied, making sure that
the door was locked on Rukhsaar's side.
Faiz started the engine and drive towards
home. The atmosphere seemed so calm as no one knew what to say. Aamina was muttering various dua under her breath.

Rukhsaar was quiet and looked out of the window. She was trying to absorb everything that felt so new and distant.

Adil kept on checking his phone
and threw curious glances at Rukhsaar every time she seemed to move. Faiz on the other hand was surrounded by various emotions, Some known to him and some unknown. He wished and asked Allah to make everything alright just like their past. But Allah is the best of planners and had his own plans that Faiz was not aware of. Faiz looked at Rukhsaar through the rearview mirror and smiled to himself. As if in cue, Rukhsaar looked at him too. Their eyes met for few seconds and then she looked away suddenly. She looked a bit frustrated at this and Faiz  could make out from her expression.

After half an hour of journey, they reached
home. Everyone walked towards the stairs,
Rukhsaar a little hesitantly. She looked all over the place with curious eyes. Something seemed out of place yet complete. She looked at the auto stand outside the apartment. She felt as if she was missing something.

Huda opened the door and Faizan was
standing beside her with a blank expression.

He was young enough to understand the
situation and Huda tried her best to explain
to him according to his level. "Assalamaleikum.", Huda and Faizan greeted them.

"Walekumaslaam...", Adil replied, actually
his voice was audible than the rest of the
people there who simply whispered.

"Well.. I want to speak to Rukhsaar alone
and then Insha Allah we will join you all
downstairs", Adil said, smiling at everyone
present there. He was positive enough to
make everything alright. He took Rukhsaar
upstairs to her and Faiz's room.

Rukhsaar didn't have any idea of what was going on. She felt sick of the situation. She simply followed her brother upstairs. While climbing each step, she was rushed with various thoughts. It felt as if she had done this before but was unable to remember when.

She entered the room and the sight made her dizzy. She stressed to let go of the familiar feeling but in vain. Neither she could remember anything, nor she had control over those thoughts. Her chain of thoughts was broken when Adil called her.

She went and sat beside him on the couch.
"Rukhsaar... Well.. I will ask you certain questions. Ummm.. Just like that..ok?", Adil started, not knowing how to proceed.
Rukhsaar looked at him for few seconds and then nodded her head.

"Well so Rukhsaar, what are you doing now? I mean at which stage of your life you are in?" Adil asked.

Rukhsaar raised her eyebrows at such a question, "Bhai.. I... Ummm I am in my 1st year of university". Rukhsaar said and looked at Adil, making sure he knew that.
Adil didn't know whether to act according
to the doctor's words or to do what his mind said was right for him and everyone.

"Umm.. Rukhsaar yes I know that but... I want to confess something... Well..," Adil looked down

"Bhai... What is it?", Rukhsaar looked at him with curious eyes. "Listen Rukhsaar.. You met with an accident some 9 months ago. But Alhumdulilah... Allah made everything alright... The thing is... You
were in a coma and you..lost your...memory," Adil said, not looking into her eyes.

Rukhsaar quiet for some time. And then as
if realization hit her she spoke suddenly and with little frustration in her voice.
"But could I recognize you? And
where is Mom.. Please call her. I didn't even
forget her," Rukhsaar huffed.

" have lost part of your memory have lost almost 6 years of your life from where you are standing now and seeing yourself", Adil replied and took her hand in his.

Rukhsaar didn't react to his words rather she kept calm. Adil sat that way, waiting for Rukhsaar to say something.

"Where is mom," Rukhsaar asked, she didn't look at him but sat that way.

"Rukhsaar you have been married for 2 years Masha Alah! ...this is your family... Faiz is your husband..and they are your inlaws," Adil spoke as if it was so easy for her to accept all this. He didn't answer her question, rather wanted her to accept the future and not to go back to the past that held nothing but sorrows and grief. He gently squeezed her hand wanting for her to react.

"Where is mom", Rukhsaar asked, this time
she looked into his eyes and tears started
beaming in her eyes.

"Rukhsaar... We... Ummm... Lost her some 5 years ago. May Allah grants her Jannah," Adil replied with a sad tone.

Rukhsaar could not react to his words. Her mind revolved around millions of thoughts and emotions. She was frozen as well as confused. She didn't believe his words. She could not but then he was her brother and a son too. How could he lie? How could he lie about his own mother? How could he not fear Allah before saying this lie? All these questions mean that he was in no way lying to her. And it meant that He was saying the truth. The truth about her mom, the only person she had after Adil. And she is no more there for her. She had left them and Rukhsaar couldn't remember it. She couldn't remember when she had witnessed such a hardship. She was feeling dizzy and part of her still didn't believe it. She got up but then fell down and the events that followed were non-existence for her.

Assalamualeikum readers!!!
Thanks, everyone for your votes and love

Jazakallah khair

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