14 5 2

"I love you. I am who I am because ofyou.
You are every reason, every hope, and
every dream I've ever had, and no matter
what happens to us in the future, every
day we are together is the greatest day of
my life. I will always be yours."

Faiz parked his car and removed those
gifts he bought for Rukhsaar. He took a deep breath and ran towards the reception.

"Heyy.Goodmorning... Where is... Rukhsaar...Sorry.. I no. of Rukhsaar Faiz Ahmad" Faiz asked, panting and smiling to himself for speaking out her full name after so long. The thought itself made him impatient to see her as soon as possible.

"Goodmorning, Well. She has been shifted to room no. 402, private ward", the receptionist replied with her best smile.

Faiz was looking at his phone. There were
14 missed calls from Farmaan, 5 from Huda and 1 text message that said, 'Bhai Rukhsaar's  room no. is 402 now. Come ASAP. The message was sent before those calls and it confused him. Not that message but those calls. He could not find any solid reason behind those calls. There was a possibility that Rukhsaar wanted to meet Faiz but..

Faiz looked over at the receptionist and
said, "Umm.. Thank you." He was about to
leave when something bothered him and
he couldn't stop himself from asking the most dreadful question, "Hey..she is fine right?". The receptionist gave him a confusing look and said, "Yes sir, She is absolutely perfect now. I came to know this morning. Go and meet her. And Good luck". She smiled assuringly.

Faiz returned a straight smile to the
receptionist and walked towards the elevator.

He thanked Allah for this moment. He had
mixed emotions and was excited to face her, talk to her, love her.

Will she get angry at me?, How will she react to finding out that she had a miscarriage. Faiz's s chain of thought broke when he reached room no, 402. He recited Bismillah and pushed the door slightly in order to enter inside.

His eyes fell on Rukhsaar. She was sitting on the bed, she was alive, she moved her hands, she could talk, but. Something was not pleasing. She was crying and kept her hands on her head. She looked at him but didn't smile. She started crying again.

Aamina was crying silently and there was a
worried expression on Huda's face. On seeing Faiz entering, Farmaan went towards him and whispered "Where were you Faiz? Why didn't you pick our calls?".

Faiz could not reply, He looked from
Farmaan to Rukhsaar. He wanted to go and hug her and stop her from crying. He tried to move but Farmaan held his hand. Dr Shekhar was also standing near Rukhsaar's bed and on seeing him, he came towards Faiz. He asked Farmaan to do some of the required formalities and asked Faiz to come with him.

"Mr Ahmad, well.. Rukhsaar is fine, no doubt in that but.. I'm afraid she is suffering from Amnesia", the doctor stated, with a straight face.

On listening to this Faiz couldn't control
himself. The things fell from his hand and
he closed his eyes. The doctor made him sit on the bench outside the ward. He picked up those gifts and kept them on the bench too.

Faiz sat there for a while, absorbing the
situation around him, making sure it was
not a dream. He couldn't believe things could change within seconds, shattering all the hopes and happiness.

"Can I talk to her doctor", Faiz asked, not
looking into the doctor's eyes.

"Ummm.. Faiz... She is not talking to any of
your family members. She is asking for Adil
and her mother." The doctor replied with a
sad smile, "She didn't recognize them, they
tried talking to her many times but in vain".
Tust then Farmaan came there. He was
talking to Adil. After hanging up the call, He
sat beside Faiz and told him the rest of the story.

"Faiz. Rukhsaar is asking for Adil and
Humaima aunty but as we know... She is
no more. May Allah grant her Jannah.. We
don't know how to face her. I called Adil and said him everything. He changed his mind and will come by the next flight available." Farmaan said, while his hand rested on Faiz's shoulder.

"Doctor come soon.. She is having
convulsions", Nurse called, as she came
running outside.

Faiz and Farmaan also rushed inside
along with Dr Shekhar. Huda and Aamina
were trying to control Rukhsaar as she became unconscious.

The doctor gave an injection and asked the
nurse to change the drip.

"Convulsions are common at this stage, there is nothing to worry about. I will write some of the medicines that you have to give her without delay. And she should not witness any kind of shock. And it's better if you ask Adil to reach as soon as possible.", Shekhar said to everyone present there. "She can get discharged by tomorrow evening", Doctor continued and left the room by excusing himself.

"Ammi don't cry, Doctor said if we try and
help her she can get back her memory", Huda said, as she herself struggled to control her tears.

Farmaan went to pick up Faizan from his
school. Sohail was consoling Aamina. Huda went to get the medicines. And Faiz stood there, all alone, staring at Rukhsaar. He could not believe the scene. He couldn't believe that after waiting for so long, he will have to wait for more. He sat beside her.

Just then the nurse came with all those gifts Faiz left on the bench.

"I will keep it here", Nurse said, more to
herself than anyone. And kept them on the
table beside Rukhsaar's bed. Faiz was staring at Rukhsaar, he was not aware of anything around. All he wanted was Rukhsaar to get up and recognize him. He wanted her memory to come back. He wanted her to come back...

Assalamualeikum readers!!!
I know the happiness you experienced during the last chapter is no more and some of you may be thinking of punching me hard!!!

Jazakallah khair

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