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"It hurts soo much, not to have you by my
side, not to be around you, not to be with
you, you're the pain that I won't give up"

Faiz got ready to leave for his office.
He went to his room to get his file. He was
searching for it in his Almirah but in no
vain. While he was rummaging his drawers,
cardboard fell at his feet. He bent down and picked it up. There were 5 small, colourful envelopes attached to it. On close inspection, he made out words beautifully written above each envelope. It was Rukhsaar's handwriting.

Above those 5 envelopes, were sentences,
Open when you are happy
Open when you are upset,
Open when you miss me,
Open when you wanna see me',
Open when you wanna hug me!.

A smile made its way to Faiz's lips on
seeing it. He sat down on the couch and
moved his fingers through the sentences that were beautifully etched by Rukhsaar. He opened the envelope, above which were the words 'open when you miss me'.

There was a small sheet of paper, folded
neatly inside the envelope. He opened it and found a message written by Rukhsaar.

Dear Hubby,
Will you ever miss me? Like EVER...!!
On reading the first sentence, something
caught his breath inside his throat and he
whispered to himself, "Yes. I miss".

Ok if you do, then don't be sad sweetheart. Just remember:
you will find me when you breathe,
you willfind me in the morning breeze,
you will find me in the rays of the sun,
you will find me within those stars,
you will find me in those distances apart.
And you will find me close to your heart..

Faiz closed it back and put it inside the
envelope. He wanted to go through the rest
of the messages but waited for the exact time to come. He wondered how much she loved him and yearned for him to feel it and all he did was took it for granted. He removed his wallet and looked at Rukhsaar's pic. He kissed it and put it inside his wallet.

"Doctor.. Doctor.. Her condition got worse
suddenly.. I have no idea what's going on.
I checked on her but there was nothing
unusual few minutes ago", The nurse

"She needs cardioversion..make it fast.bring", Doctor asked.

The doctor asked and nurses at service
moved faster and acted according to the
Doctor's instructions.

Rukhsaar suddenly showed signs of arrhythmia and the Doctor was afraid that she might get a cardiac arrest (Heart attack). So she was treated with electrical cardioversion. Her condition was brought back to normal after almost 20 minutes.

"Hello Mr Ahmad, I have called to inform you that your wife's condition has deteriorated some time ago." The Doctor spoke over the phone.

"". Faiz was shocked.

"There is nothing to worry about now as the
condition is restored to normal. We have
given her some drugs and it will see to it", The doctor declared. The little hope that was inside him, seemed to vanish. They meant nothing now. Everything around him was blurred. He couldn't make out what was happening. He collapsed onto a nearby couch.

"Faiz...Faiz... Are you alright?", Zubair

"Yah....ummm..", Faiz mumbled
"Here..Have some water", Zubair said,
handing him a glass of water.

"I need to see Rukhsaar, please handle my
remaining work", Faiz asked. He got up
and moved towards his cubicle.

"Okay, I will see to it...but... Can you drive in
this condition..?", Zubair asked "Allah will help me with it, Allah hafiz Zubair.", Faiz said over his shoulder. With this, he took his keys and moved out to see Rukhsaar.

Rukhsaar was asleep, she was getting pale day by day. Her heartbeats were the only proof that she was alive and was living, which made Faiz live each day with some ease.

Faiz was tensed as he took her hand in
his and took them close to his forehead. He
sat that way for some time. He kissed them
softly and whispered, "Please come back to
me, please.. I miss you Rukhsaar, miss you when I sleep, I miss you when I get up, I miss you when I eat alone in my plate, I miss you every time I open my eyes and every time I close them, I miss you every time I breathe, I miss you always...

A tear escaped his eyes and he checked the time at a nearby clock. It was time to leave.

"Allah hafiz Rukhsaar.... I love you..", Faiz said getting up. He kissed her forehead.

He came out of the ICU where he met Dr
Shekhar coming to see his patients.
"Hello Mr Ahmad, how are you? Well, there
is good news, Rukhsaar responding to the
medicines. I know that incident was scary but there is nothing to worry about now", Doctor spoke with a smile.

"Thank you soo much Doctor", Faiz
responded, returning his smile.

"Well take care and hope for the best", The
doctor said, patting Faiz's shoulder.
Faiz sat on his bed re-reading Rukhsaar's note that he found inside the envelope that said, "Open when you are happy".

Dear Mr Hubby,

If you're happy because of any reason, small or huge, first remember to thamk Allah who gave you that happiness in the frst place. Alhumdulilah!

And second, you should know how much I fast and starve (kidding) for your happiness.

Yes, I do pray for your happiness.. I cant see my husband in distress you know.

Get up and perform your salah. Good boy.

-Your pious wife

Faiz smiled at her use of crazy words to
express her feelings. He was touched by the cuteness with which she showed her love for him. Moreover, she was kind and patient with him. She wanted him to prioritize his life. She tried her best to show him the path of truth and deen. She wanted him to develop his love for Allah over everything else.

Assalamualaikum readers!!!

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