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"And the flashback hurts...""

"Ruku baby, make it fast, we are getting late Sweetie", Faiz peeped inside his room one more time.

"Done honey, see I am ready," Rukhsaar's rushed out with her handbag, making Faiz bounce back.

"Masha Allah, someone is looking pretty,"

"Thank you, dear husband, that's mny secret tolowering your anger though," Rukhsaar smirked.

They walked towards the restaurant whichwas Rukhsaar's one of the favorite restaurants in town as it served the best lasagne andit was famous for its all type of unique flavoured Pasta. They found a table for two beside the lake view on the rooftop. The weather was pleasant as it was autumn and winter was about to begin. Faiz removed his cellphone and busied himself with his work stuff. Rukhsaar was disappointed and so she tried to distract him.

"Faiz, look at me. Why did they named the restaurant "En pasta confiamos"? It serves Italian food though, " Rukhsaar clicked her fingers trying to get his attention.

"Umm. What? Yes, they named it because umm. they serve pasta here..."Faiz replied,his eyes still engaged in his phone.

Rukhsaar giggled, "Are you even making sense hunny?"

This made Faiz look at her and smile,"What's so funny? What did I say, hun?"

"I was wondering why they named their restaurant in Spanish while they serve Italian cuisine here," Rukhsaar giggled, trying to explain what she meant.

"Rukhsaar! Isn't the name in Italian. How can you say it's in Spanish?"Faiz narrowed his eyes.


"Really? Why don't you just serve the realpurpose of coming to this Italian- Spanish restaurant baby"

"YEAH! Let's order then, "Rukhsaar clapped.

"Yes, Sir, so Mam's usual Chicken Lasagna right? and what about you?"The waiter smiled at Faiz.

"Um.. yeah.. I will have one small Spaghetti Pizza and a cappuccino."

"Sure, sir."

Faiz again got himself engaged with his phone once the waiter left.

"Faiz! I don't want to have chicken today, "

"What..but..you have.. it always."

"Look at me, can't you keep your phone aside."

"Rukhsaar, it's really important. I'm not scrolling bullshit, "

The waiter had served their food. Faiz smiled at her and asked her to eat it. Rukhsaar is upset because of Faiz's careless behaviour. She understood him and hadfull empathy with him, but she expected him to at least keep his professional life away from his personal life. She never complained and always ignored situations like this.She believed that things will eventually get smooth. It was better to keep quiet than to indulge in baseless arguments. Faiz usually had a feeling that she was too good. Henever actually understood her. The immense patience, love, and understanding on her part were usually taken for granted by him.

The phone beeped, breaking the silence that had prevailed while they were eating quietly.

"Rukhsaar, what is it? Are you alright? Say something. Rukhsaar!"

Faiz grabbed the phone from Rukh's hand that had clutched it hard. She sat there life less, shocking Faiz.

When Faiz looked at her phone screen, he was stunned, as it read, "Rukhsaar, I tried calling you but couldn't reach you. Mom's got a heart attack. She is in the ICU. Adil."

Faiz didn't know how to react at that very moment. He got hold of Rukhsaar's hand. He gave her a side hug and whispered, "She will befine Rukhsaar. I'm with you please don't panic. "

Rukhsaar didn't react. Instead, tears rolled down her cheeks as she heard him. She leaned her head on his chest and started crying badly.

"Rukhsaar, we shall leave for Dubai now,"

"Adil, is she alright? What did the doctors say?"Faiz inquired upon reaching the hospital where Rukhsaar's mom was admitted.

"She is critical,"

After 45 minutes of suspense, prayer, and hope the doctor came up with the worst, theundeniable truth for every living creature on this planet.

"Im sorry, Mr Adil, we tried our best,"

Rukhsaar was sitting nearby, and the words "we tried our best" echoed through her ears. She couldn't understand how her world turned upside down within a few seconds. She needed justification for what she had heard, she wanted to question, she needed an answer.Like anyone else, who would have reacted like this to their loss she too felt shattered.She stood up and walked few steps before falling down, unconscious...

Assalamualaikum readers!!
Finally, I could come up with something.Yes, it's a small one :)
Do tell me if you liked it, Did you find any mistakes?
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Jazakallah khair

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