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"When you're struggling with something,
look at all the people around you and
realize that every single person you see is
struggling with something, and to them,
it's just as hard as what you're going

Rukhsaar woke up after an hour. She saw a
man sitting beside her bed with a worried
expression as if he had been lost, surrounded by grief and fear. She looked to the other side but no one was there except him.

"What do you...want..?", Rukhsaar asked, her expression changed on realising she was all alone with a stranger.

"Rukhsaar... I'm Faiz, your...", Faiz began to
speak but something made him stop.

"Faiz.... Who are you? I don't remember
meeting you anytime before", Rukhsaar raised her eyebrows in frustration.

"Umm.. Try to remember.. I think we met
before", Faiz asked her with a smile. He
thought of the Doctor's words that if they try she can get her memory back. But his way of trying was not successful.

"Why is everyone here saying me to think of
them when I don't even know them", Rukhsaar was frustrated. She grabbed her hair and put her head on her knees.

Faiz didn't know how to reply, he tried
to touch her hand. On seeing the stranger
advancing, she flinched. "Don't touch me...", Rukhsaar warned him. Faiz moved back.

"Doctor...nurse...ya Allah.. Help me, please... Where is my family?...", Rukhsaar burst into tears.

Faiz felt helpless on seeing her this way.
He couldn't stand there anymore so he went out and requested the nurse to go and see her and handle the situation..

"Yes, Rukhsaar.... Sorry, I left you alone.sweetie", Nurse said, trying to console her.

Rukhsaar looked at the nurse with those tears in her eyes and said, " Who are these people asking about me...? And how I came here? And where is Adil...my bro...and my mom".Rukhsaar broke down again thinking about them. Missing them. She rushed to the
washroom. She fell on the way. Her body
was not used to walking for ages. It felt like
she was walking for the first time. She made her ablution and sat for salah. She raised her hands in front of Allah and cried her heart out.

"Allah!.. What has happened to me? Where
is my family? Why are these people asking
about me?... Why. ", Rukhsaar was crying.

Faiz was sitting outside, he was crying too.
He didn't know how to face her, how to try.
He was helpless and was losing hope and at the same time, he was hoping against hope.

Faiz was sitting there for what felt like an
eternity when his phone vibrated. It was a
call from Adil, Rukhsaar's only brother & only family right now.

"Assalaamaleikum Faiz.. My flight had just
landed at the airport and I will try to reach
the hospital within an hour. In sha Allah.
Please take care", Adil spoke over the phone.

He seemed tired and worried for his only
sister. He too feared to face her, answer her
un-answerable questions.

"Walekumaslaaam bhai, umm. In sha Allah", Faiz replied, not having the strength to speak further.

Sohail, Huda and Faizan were at home.
Aamina was with Faiz at the hospital,
Farmaan was at his workplace. Aamina
insisted to be with Rukhsaar and Faiz though she needed rest herself.

"When will Adil reach?", Aamina asked.
"He will be reaching anytime Ammi... Have
this please you have to take your medicines.", Faizreplied, handling her mom a sandwich and coffee.

Adil camne out of the elevator and found
Faiz and Aamina sitting outside the ward.
He went towards them.

"Assalamaaleikum. Umm. How is
everything?..", Adil greeted them and asked
politely. Aamina nodded and gave a weak smile as she was eating. Faiz hugged and replied Adil.
They went inside the room and found Rukhsaar staring at the window. Faiz stayed at one place and didn't move further unlike Adil who went and sat beside her.

"Assalamaleikum.. My Lil angel", Adil wished with a smile.

Rukhsaar broke away from her thoughts and looked for the source of the voice which was quite familiar. She looked at Adil for some time and then hugged him, on realising thatshe was searching for him.

"Bhai.. Walekumaslaam... Wher...e..were
you.. I missed you...Bhai...where is mamma..", Rukhsaar spoke between sobs.

Faiz stood beside the door, unaware of
what to do and what not. Just then Aamina
entered the room along with the doctor.
"Well, Mrs.. Errr... Miss Rukhsaar.. How are you doing now?", Dr Shekhar asked her, well
aware of the situation she was in he chose his words carefully.

"She is doing very well doctor after all her
brother is here with her", Adil replied to him
while Rukhsaar made a straight face that turned into a smile later.

"That's Amazing...so are you ready to leave
for home?", Doctor asked with a smile.
Adil looked at Rukhsaar she simply nodded.

Rukhsaar's now fell upon the other two
people who earlier claimed to know her and
wanted her to remember them. They stood
at a distance from her bed and it seemed
that the conversation between the Doctor
and her meant something to them. She never met them before but she felt an unknown connection towards the lady when she talked to her for the first time. Her mind didn't get what she was talking about but her heart yearned to listen more. Maybe that lady wasoff her Mom's age and Rukhsaar was missing her mom so that kind of attraction was logical.

Rukhsaar felt that the man was already looking at her when she looked at him. She lowered her gaze with a bit of frustration as to why she couldn't get what was going on. She wanted to go home. She wanted to see her Mom.

"Very well Rukhsaar. So Fa...ummm... Adil will see to the rest of the formalities and you better get ready", Dr Shekhar spoke to her while he motioned Faiz to come with him.

Adil went to get Rukhsaar's medicines and the nurse helped Rukhsaar in removing the drip. She handed Rukhsaar the clothes that Huda had left for Rukhsaar and asked her to freshen up.

Rukhsaar got up from her bed. On the way to the washroom, she noticed something kept on the table. There was a bouquet.
It was a private ward so she didn't share her room with anyone else which means it was meant for her.

She went towards that table and moved her
fingers over those beautiful flowers, whose
smell seemed familiar to her sense. She
loved them. And a small smile made its way towards her lips.

These are my favourite flowers. She glanced at those chocolates wrapped in colourful wrappers that made them most
attractive when her eyes fell on a card that
said: "Get well soon".

She was about to open it when the nurse
entered and Rukhsaar turned at the sound of it. "Sweetie..you should have got ready by now", the nurse exclaimed and suddenly flashed a smile as she thought she was loud.

"Ummm...going..", Rukhsaar said and without giving the card another look, she left it there and went towards the washroom.

"Remember Faiz, she should never
experience any kind of Shock... I repeat
never.", Dr Shekhar stated, meaning every

Faiz listened silently, absorbing every word
spoken by the doctor. He mentally asked
Allah for like the hundredth time to help
him out. He could not do it alone without Ar
Rahman, the Almighty's help. He believed
in his miracle and now he hoped to get
through this phase of his life with Allah's help and blessings. He believed that everything is planned by him for something good to happen in the end eventually.

Assalamualeikum readers!!!!
So are you enjoying the story?
Do you think everything will be settled in
Faiz life? Let me know.
Will Faiz be able to find peace, love and
Allah's miracle!!
Stay hooked to find it and don't forget to shower votes and show your love in comments.

Jazakallah khair

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