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A big salaam to everyone! I know what you guys are thinking, some of you want to hit me with flowers and some might want to slap me hard with a dummy hand :)

You can do all of this for as long as you want.I'm realy sorry for updating after a long gap,yeah the longest it is. Sorry again. So how areyou all? Hope you had a blessed Ramadan and blissful Eid!

I was busy and I'm busy now too. But seeing your lovely comments & excitement I took out time every day to update slowly.

Alhumdulilah as my story is praised everyday JazakAllah for loving it and wishing thatI update soon. So here's an update for you all.Hope you love it too.
                         "HAPPY READING "

"Life, he realize, was much like a song. In
the beginning, there is a mystery, in the
end, there is confirmation, but it's in the
middle where all the emotion resides to
make the whole thing worth while"

Rukhsaar finished her salah and got up. Her eyes were swollen and her face was pale. She looked depressed and shattered and broken from within. She went and sat down on the couch and started crying again. Just then Faiz entered their room with a sandwich and juice in his hand. He looked at her and something choked him. Somewhere he felt that he was the reason behind her sorrows. Rukhsaar was crying for her Mom for the next time and the first time she did he was not there to witness it but whenever Rukhsaar talked about her Mom she used to break down and Faiz consoled her with ease. But now
everything was changed though the situation was somewhat the same. He couldn't think of consoling her now, the way he did earlier.

"Ummm. Rukhsaar.. Please eat this," Faiz
asked her by extending the sandwich towards her.

Rukhsaar looked at him with puffy eyes and he felt hurt and helpless at the same time.

"Please leave me alone...I can't... ," Rukhsaar spoke between her sobs.

"You have to take your medicines.. So you
have to eat something," Faiz said calmly.
She did not reply to him instead she kept on crying and sobbing and making things all the more worse for Faiz. Faiz sat down
beside her maintaining some distance, not to make her uncomfortable. She moved a little to her left on seeing him beside her.

"Rukhsaar I know what you're going through. Losing someone you love is the most painful thing in this world. But Allah created us as mortal beings who will face death anytime by his will. So instead of crying you should pray for her, pray to Allah to grant her Jannah," Faiz explained to her.

Rukhsaar looked at him and held his gaze for more than a few seconds as if trying to find something in his eyes. Just then Faiz's phone rang, breaking their contact.

"Faiz is everything alright?... You did not
come to the office even today. How is bhabhi doing?," Zubair spoke over the phone.

"Alhumdulilah... Zubair.. Everything is fine...
Yup, she is doing well," Fawad replied and
glanced at Rukhsaar who on the other hand was staring at nothing.

"Well... I hope you will be coming
tomorrow..." Zubair asked.

"Insha Allah... Tell the boss I will finish my
pending work this Sunday.. And take care,"
Faiz spoke and turned his back to Rukhsaar
cause seeing her in such a condition made
him weak and dizzy.

"You too take care Faiz and say my Salam
to everyone," Zubair said.

"Yeah sure bro..Ummm... Allah Hafiz,"
Faiz  replied and hung up the phone.

Faiz turned around and saw her crying
again. He wanted to hold her hand and
comfort her but he could not instead He took the plate and placed it on her hand.

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