Day 73 - Poppy

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   The sound of pounding waves resonated in Poppy's ears as she opened her eyes, her eyesight cloudy and her head aching with agony. She found herself resting on a sandy beach with the salty sea wind stroking over her skin.

     Her thoughts were confused with confusion as she tried to recollect who she was and how she had gotten here. Despite her best efforts, her memories remained illusive, something that the violent waters had taken from her.

     As terror tried to swallow her, a voice of concern and compassion emerged from the blur. Poppy turned to find a young couple standing in front of her, their features filled with dread.

     "Are you okay?" the woman said, her eyes overflowing with worry.

     "You took quite a tumble," she added.

     Poppy shook her head, the ache getting worse with each movement.

     "I... I don't know. I can't remember anything," she replied.

     The couple exchanged concerned looks before assisting Poppy to her feet and escorting her back to their adjacent cottage. They introduced themselves as Jack and Louise, newlyweds who had migrated to the seaside town in quest of a new beginning.

     In the days that followed, Poppy found refuge in the warmth of Jack and Louise's house, the calm cadence of their lives a soothing salve to her frayed psyche. With each passing day, parts of her recollections resurfaced—a brief sight of a joyous picnic, a romantic hug under a starry sky.

     But no matter how hard she tried, Poppy was unable to piece together the jigsaw of her past, the gaps in her memory casting a cloud over her newfound pleasure. But, in the embrace of her new family, she discovered a sense of belonging she had never felt before.

     Poppy's bond with Jack and Louise became stronger, and their love and support helped her heal the scars of the past. And, while she wished to discover the secrets of her buried memories, she couldn't ignore the warmth and joy that surrounded her in the present.

     One evening, as they sat beneath the glory of the setting sun, Poppy made a decision—to accept the life she had discovered with Jack and Louise, to let go of the ghosts of her past and embrace the possibility of a fresh start.

     "My past was as dark as it could be, and I do not want to go back," Poppy said, her voice shaking with sorrow.

     "But I know who I am now, and I wouldn't trade this family for anything in the world," she told her new parents.

     Jack and Louise's eyes welled up with tears as they hugged Poppy tightly, their love a ray of light amid the gloom of her doubt.

     And as the stars twinkled overhead, throwing a soothing light over the three, Poppy realized she had found her home—a house built not on the foundations of the past, but on the strength of love, acceptance, and the promise of fresh memories to come.

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