Day 98 - Moonlit Secrets

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     As the full moon shed an eerie glow over the sleepy village, Matthew felt the familiar tug of the beast within him come to life. For years, he tried to resist the primitive cravings that threatened to overwhelm him, keeping his secret from everyone except Sarah, the one person he had ever fully trusted.

     As he walked to their customary meeting place—a remote clearing in the forest—Matthew's pulse beat in his chest, the weight of his secret threatening to crush him with every step.

     "Hey, Matt," Sarah said with a warm grin as he emerged from the shadows.

     "You okay? You look kinda tense,"
she noticed.

     Matthew attempted a grin, his hands quivering by his sides.

     "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... you know, work stuff," he replied.
     But Sarah was unconvinced. She could see the stress written all over his face, the haunted expression in his eyes that spoke of secrets too great to carry alone.

     "Come on, Matt. You can tell me anything, you know that, right?" Sarah insisted, her voice quiet and concerned.

     Matthew paused, his mind spinning with a thousand ideas and concerns. How could he burden Sarah with the truth of who he was? How could he expect her to embrace the evil within him?

     But as he stared into her eyes, filled with trust and steadfast commitment, Matthew realized he couldn't keep lying to her—not anymore.

     Taking a deep breath, he began to speak, his words flowing out in a flood of desperation and terror.

     "Sarah, there's something I need to tell you. Something... something I've been keeping from you for a long time," he added.

     Sarah listened in horrified silence as Matthew revealed the truth about his condition—a curse that had haunted his family for centuries, transforming them into werewolves under the full moonlight.

     "I understand it's a lot to take in, Sarah, but I needed you to know the truth," Matthew said.

     Instead of recoiling in shock or disbelief, Sarah reached out and held Matthew's hand, her touch warm and reassuring against his skin.

     "I had a feeling, Matt. I've known for a while now," Sarah said, her eyes gleaming with a clarity that stole Matthew's breath away.

     "You... you knew?" Matthew gasped, shock crashing over him in a dizzying wave.

     Sarah nodded, a faint grin forming on the edges of her lips.

     "I'm like you, Matt. I'm a werewolf too," she confessed.

     Matthew's heart skipped a beat as she spoke, bringing a flood of emotions washing over him like a tsunami. For years, he had borne the burden of his secret alone, believing he was the only one of his type left in the world after his parents died.

     But now, as he stared into Sarah's eyes, he realized he was no longer alone—that they would face the difficulties and tribulations of their shared existence together, connected by the unbreakable connection of friendship and the moonlit secrets they kept.

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