Day 96 - Shake Things Up

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   Every day at noon, Clara would sit at her desk, pen in hand, ready to unleash her imagination on the blank pages in front of her. For months, this practice had served as her anchor, a constant in a world that appeared to whirl faster by the day.

     But today was different. Clara looked at the blank paper in front of her at nine o'clock in the morning, her mind curiously bereft of ideas.

     "What's wrong, Clara? You're usually knee-deep in a new story by now," Emily, her roommate, observed, glancing over her shoulder.

     "I don't know... I just can't seem to find the words today," Clara said, her irritation evident in every phrase.

     Emily grimaced, her face furrowed with apprehension.

     "Maybe you're just tired. Why don't you take a break and try writing again later?"
she added.
     Clara nodded, thankful for the proposal. She pushed her chair away from the desk and strolled into the kitchen, her mind swirling in confusion.

     Clara paced the length of their little apartment for hours, her thoughts racing with uncertainty and worry. What if she'd lost her gift—the capacity to create stories out of thin air, to bring people and places to life with a single stroke of a pen?

     But, just as sadness threatened to engulf her completely, a spark of inspiration ignited—a narrative idea so vivid and captivating that Clara couldn't resist it.

     Clara raced back to her desk and grabbed her pen, her hand racing over the paper as she poured her heart into the lines before her. Each syllable flowed freely from her head, and each paragraph demonstrated the strength of her imagination.

     As the clock struck noon, Clara sat back in her chair, her chest heaving with exertion and triumph. Before her lay a story unlike any she had ever written—a tale of love and loss, of triumph and tragedy, woven together with threads of magic and wonder.

     "Wow, Clara, that's incredible!" Emily exclaimed, peering over her shoulder at the finished manuscript.

     "I've never seen you write like this before," she commented.

     Clara smiled, a feeling of calm washing over her like a warm blanket.

     "I guess sometimes you just need to shake things up a bit. Break free from your routine and see where it takes you,"  
Emily commented.

      "But it's already past noon! I'm out of schedule!"
Clara panicked.

     Clara recalled the last words her friend had just said.

     "That's right,"
Clara whispered.

     "Shake things up,"
she added.

All new chapters will be published at 9:00 PM, Philippine Standard Time.

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