Day 113 - Glimpse

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     Aria and Finn, two childhood friends, enjoyed an unspoken bond that stood the test of time. From constructing forts to chasing fireflies, they shared life's adventures, their hearts intertwined in a delicate and blooming romance.

     Aria and Finn found themselves on the verge of adolescence, their emotions fluctuating with the seasons. However, the words on the tip of their tongues were unheard, buried behind layers of hesitation and anxiety.

     One beautiful summer evening, beneath the sky full of glittering stars, Aria and Finn sat side by side on Aria's worn wooden swing, the song of crickets filling the air with a symphony of nostalgia.

     "I've been thinking," Aria said, her voice as quiet as the evening air.

     "About us," she whispered.

     Finn's heart skipped a beat as his eyes shifted to Aria, the moonlight putting a soft sheen on her beautiful face.

     "What about us?" he asked.

     Aria paused, her feet creating patterns in the sand beneath the swing.

     "Do you ever wonder...what if?" she started.

     "What if what?" Finn wrinkled his head in perplexity.

     Aria's cheeks flushed red as she met Finn's stare, her pulse thumping like a drum beneath her chest.

     "What if we're meant to be more than just friends?" Aria asked.

     For a brief minute, the world stopped, the weight of Aria's words hanging in the air like a delicate thread. Finn stretched out with boldness born of yearning, his hand meeting hers in the darkness

     "I've wondered the same thing," he said, his voice filled with passion.

     "But I was always afraid to say anything," Finn added.

     Aria and Finn took refuge in the stillness that engulfed them, their emotions saying volumes in the lack of words.

     As the night progressed, the sounds of laughing and whispered confessions filled the air, creating a night full of shared fantasies and unspoken wishes. And in the warmth of each other's embrace, Aria and Finn learned that sometimes the best love stories are written in simple moments of understanding and acceptance rather than huge gestures.

     Aria and Finn's journey had only just begun, but the light of the moon and the promise of tomorrow assured them that whatever the future contained, they would face it together, hand in hand, their hearts eternally interwoven in the soothing beat of love's lovely refrain.

     Finn was enjoying the moment when he heard Aria speak.

     "I've been thinking,"
Aria said.

      Finn became confused and looked around to see the two of them beneath the sky full of glittering stars. Finn sat beside Aria's worn wooden swing, the song of crickets filling the air with a symphony of nostalgia.

      Finn realized that everything was happening all over again, and he was expecting to live through the moment once again.

     "Thinking about what?"
Finn asked.

      Aria paused for a second before responding.

      "I just wonder how crickets make those sounds,"
she said.

     At that moment, Finn realized that what happened to him earlier was only a glimpse of what could have been.

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