Day 114 - The Last Scaled Sentinel

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     A dragon lived in the wide expanse of time when the Earth was young and humanity was merely a glimmer in the cosmos' eye. Majestic and powerful, its scales shone like polished emeralds under the sun's loving caress, and its flaming breath might sear the skies.

     As civilizations arose and fell, the dragon watched from the shadows, a quiet guardian of time. It saw the creation of kingdoms and the demise of empires, its old eyes reflecting time like eternal mirrors. Despite the ebb and flow of history, the dragon remained elusive, a mythical and mysterious figure.

     For millennia, the dragon lived in peace with the natural environment, its presence veiled in mystery and myth. It flew over the clouds, dancing on the winds of time, its serpentine shape gracefully weaving through existence's fabric. However, as time passed and humanity's imprint expanded, the dragon's refuge began to decrease.

     With each passing year, the advance of civilization ate away at the dragon's home, forcing it further to the world's edge. Where previously lush woods stretched to the horizon, there were now smoggy cities and bleak wastelands. The dragon, long esteemed as a symbol of strength and wisdom, has faded into obscurity in historical records.

     As the scaled sentinel grew older, its position became increasingly grave. Its once-thriving environment has been transformed into a poisonous wasteland, poisoned by humanity's greed and stupidity. The air, once crisp and clear, was now thick with the odor of pollution, suffocating life from the land.

     The dragon's heart sank as it realized its time was over. It could no longer fly freely, its wings cut by the weight of human foolishness. In the latter hours of life, the dragon withdrew to the planet's depths, seeking consolation in its embrace.

     And there, in the darkness of its final sanctuary, the last scaled sentinel breathed its last, its old form dissolving into myth and legend once more. However, as the sounds of its death resonated through the years, a melancholic reality echoed in everyone who claimed who have witnessed its demise: the actual cost of humanity's arrogance and the irreparable loss of a world without dragons.

     Even after the final dragon departed from the planet, its memory remained in the hearts and thoughts of those who had witnessed its magnificence, if there ever was. And, while the planet lamented the loss of such a magnificent creature, the dragon's memory would live on for all time, a tribute to the beauty and wonder of nature.

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