Day 103 - Social Struggle: Dark

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     Jasmine and Malik strolled hand in hand through the city where dreams are supposed to come true. Their laughter echoed through the streets. However, underneath their grins was the weight of whispered truths, difficulties, and battles fought.

     As they passed by the cafés and stores, subtle stares and muttered words trailed them like a shadow. Jasmine, with her caramel skin and dark hair, and Malik, with his strong posture and wealthy background, had experienced the stinging sting of prejudice before.

     Their love was a symbol of resistance, rejecting the limited boundaries of social standards. However, with each step they took, they confronted obstacles created by ignorance and fear.

     One evening, while they dined at their favorite restaurant, the air swelled with tension as they saw unfriendly looks from their other customers. A group of males at an adjacent table shouted racial slurs under their breath, ruining the otherwise festive environment.

     Malik's grasp on Jasmine's hand tightened, his eyes filled with rage and anguish.

     "Let's go," he said softly, his voice pinched with passion.

     Jasmine nodded quietly, her heart full of disappointment.

     Outside, the cold night air did little to calm the roaring fire within them. Jasmine put her arms around Malik and sought peace in his embrace.

     "I'm tired, Malik," she whispered.

     "Tired of pretending like it doesn't hurt," she added.

     Malik kissed her forehead, his heart hurting at the agony on her face.

     "I know, Jas,"  he said full of sorrow.

     "But we can't let them win. We can't let their ignorance dictate our happiness," he added.

     As they walked home, the weight of the evening pressed down on them like a crushing blanket. They hoped for acceptance and understanding, but were instead greeted with the brutal reality of bigotry.

     Despite the gloom, a ray of hope shone in their hearts. They refused to let hatred rule their lives or allow ignorance to extinguish the spark of their love.

     The next day, Jasmine and Malik went down the street with their heads held high, their relationship stronger than ever. They grow stronger every day but does not mean that they have to tolerate other people's ignorance every time. They knew that it will take a long time before the world around them accepts them, but they knew they were on their way towards the day they will be treated fair and equal.

     "You will have me every time,"
Malik told Jasmine.

     "I know," she whispered before entering a newly opened café across the street.

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