Day 86 - Letter: Sent

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Dear Future Me,

     I hope this letter finds you well, wherever you are in life. I skipped school today because I am sick, and as I sit here writing to you, I can't help but wonder about the person you've become. Are you successful? Are you happy? Do you recall who you were at fifteen?

     I understand that right now, I am just a kid trying to figure things out. High school is difficult, and it sometimes feels like the world is on my shoulders. Despite the hurdles, I remain optimistic about the future. I have ambitions and aspirations and want to make them a reality.

     I hope by the time you receive this letter, you have completed all of your goals. Perhaps you're doing your ideal career, living in a place you enjoy, and surrounded by people who care about you. Or maybe life took you differently, which is fine too. The main thing is that you're happy, content, and enjoying life to its utmost.

      I wonder what advice you would give your fifteen-year-old self. Would you urge me to pursue my ambitions courageously and never give up, even when things get tough? Or maybe you'd urge me to ease down, appreciate the simple things, and stop taking life so seriously.

     I hope you have remained true to yourself and have not let the demands of the world change who you are. Remember what matters most: your parents, your sister, and your friends. Hold on tight, since these are life's great riches.

     I wonder whether you recall the difficulties we encountered as teenagers. The late hours preparing for examinations, the heartbreaks and disappointments, the moments of uncertainty and unease. But we persevered, got stronger, and never lost sight of our goals.

     I hope you're proud of who you've become. I hope you have had a good effect on the world and impacted the lives of others in important ways. Most importantly, I hope you're happy—that despite the ups and downs, the twists and turns, you've discovered inner serenity and peace.

     As I end my letter, I'd like to thank you for everything you've done to bring us where we are today. Thank you for never giving up, always believing in yourself, and never losing sight of who you wanted to be.

     I'm not sure what the future contains, but I'm looking forward to finding out. Here's to us, to our trip, and to the amazing experience that awaits.

With hope and eagerness,Your 15-year-old self

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