Day 92 - What Not To Do

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   Greenwood Heights residents have long celebrated April Fools' Day with harmless pranks and good-natured fun. However, this year, a bunch of cheeky youths went too far, turning a day of fun into a nightmare for unsuspecting food delivery workers.

      It all began innocently enough, with a group of pals gathering around a table to explore ideas for the ultimate April Fools' prank. As they brainstormed ideas, their gaze was drawn to the stack of takeaway menus thrown over the table.

     "I've got it!" Sarah shouted with a malicious twinkle in her eye.

     "What if we prank call a bunch of restaurants and order huge amounts of food for delivery?" she suggested.

     The suggestion was received with applause and laughs, and the gang quickly compiled a list of nearby establishments to target. They put their plan into action, armed with iPhones and a sinister sense of humor.

     They phoned the numbers one by one, ordering ludicrous quantities of food—pizzas by the dozen, burgers by the stack, and enough Chinese takeout to feed an army. As they hung up the phone, they laughed, envisioning the uncertainty and havoc their prank would create.

     But as the minutes passed, their joy faded to worry as they recognized the consequences of their actions. What began as a harmless joke quickly devolved into unrest and uncertainty.

     Outside, the streets were filled with the sound of ringing phones and hurried footsteps as panicked restaurant owners and perplexed delivery drivers sought to make sense of the deluge of orders that had flooded their establishments.

     Meanwhile, in a quiet section of Greenwood Heights, a young delivery guy called Marcus was driving about, his car full of bags of steaming hot food. He had worked tirelessly all day, dashing from one delivery to the next, his mind focused solely on getting the orders to his clients on time.

     But when he neared another home, his heart fell as he learned the truth: there was no order, no hungry customer waiting for their dinner. It was simply another cruel joke, another squandered journey in a day full of disappointment and anguish.

     Marcus, frustrated and fatigued, slapped his fist on the steering wheel, his rage boiling over as he comprehended the scope of the joke pulled on him and his fellow drivers. But, while he despised the nameless pranksters who had caused his anguish, he realized there was nothing he could do to set things right.

April 1st is supposed to be a fun day for everyone.

Do not prank working people this April Fool's Day.

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