Day 85 - Six Nights After Full Moon

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     As I sit alone in the quiet of the night, memories of her flood my mind, each moment replaying in vivid detail as if etched into the very fabric of my soul. I imagine what it would be like to see her again, to feel the warmth of her smile and hear the laughter that once filled the empty spaces in my heart.

     In my mind's eye, I picture our reunion—the moment when our paths finally cross once more, when time seems to stand still and the world falls away, leaving only the two of us standing in the glow of our shared history.

     "I've missed you," she whispers, her voice soft and gentle as she reaches out to touch my hand.

     Tears fill up in my eyes as I look into her familiar face, the weight of years of separation fading away like a faraway dream.

     "I've missed you, too," I say, my voice strangled with emotion.

     "More than words could ever express," I continued.

     We sat together in comfortable stillness, the years slipping away as we made up for lost time, swapping stories and recollections as if time had never gone. The laughter that once filled the air reverberates in the spaces between us, a bittersweet reminder of what we have lost and what we have discovered.

     But, as much as I enjoy our reunion, a part of me knows that this time is fleeting—that the harsh light of reality will soon come crashing down, driving us apart again.

     "I wish things could have been different," she said gently, her eyes filled with sadness as she stared into the distance.

     "I wish we could have stayed together, forever and always," 
she added.

     I nod, unable to articulate the depth of my remorse.

     "Me too," I respond, my voice barely audible as I reach out to touch her cheek.

     "But sometimes, life has other plans for us—plans that we can never hope to understand," I explained.

     We sit in quiet, buried in our thoughts, with the weight of our unspoken words hanging heavy between us. At that moment, I knew that no matter how much I wished things were different, no amount of desire or sorrow could alter the course of fate.

     As I watch her depart into the darkness, a part of me hopes that one day our paths may cross again, bringing us back to where we belong.

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