Day 87 - Letter: Unreceived

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   It's been fifteen years since you wrote that letter, and it was my first time seeing it. Your words, penned with such hope and optimism, now serve as a bittersweet reminder of the person you once were—a person full of hopes and ambitions, with an entire life ahead of you.

     I couldn't help but smile at the purity and optimism that radiated from your words. You were just fifteen years old, with the world at your feet and limitless opportunities ahead of you. But little did we know, fate had other ideas for you.

     Just a few months after you wrote that letter to yourself, you were diagnosed with cancer, which completely flipped our lives upside down. It was a tragic twist of fate that none of us anticipated. Suddenly, the future we had envisaged for you was called into question, and we were forced to deal with the brutal reality of your disease.

     I watched helplessly as you fought with all of your power and spirit, determined to beat the odds and defeat the cancer that threatened to take you from us. Despite your unyielding drive, the disease spread throughout your body like wildfire, leaving you with little choice but to say goodbye.

     It crushed my heart to see you struggle and observe the toll the cancer had on your body and mind. Throughout it all, you remained extraordinarily courageous, never losing your signature optimism or contagious smile. Even in your darkest moments, you were a beacon of light, illuminating the shadows.

     You left us much too soon, your beautiful soul extinguished before its time. Even though you are no longer with us, your memory lives on in the hearts of everyone who knew and loved you. Your letter, with its words of optimism and encouragement, is a lasting tribute to the person you were and the aspirations you cherished.

     I miss you more than words can say, my brother. I miss your humor, generosity, and everlasting optimism in the face of hardship. But most of all, I miss the person you were—the brother, friend, and light in our lives.

     As I sit here with your letter in my hands, I take comfort in the memories we had and the love that will always link us together. Even though you are no longer with us, we will never forget you.

Until we meet again,
Your beloved sister.

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