Day 112 - Verse of the Heart

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     Samantha sat at her desk and stared at the blank paper before her. For weeks, she had been attempting to compose her newest short story, but the words would not come. It felt as if her creativity had abandoned her, leaving her irritated and uninspired.

     As she sat there, lost in meditation, a conclusion occurred to her. In recent months, she had observed an increasing tendency among her friends and peers. Poetry appeared to be gaining popularity as people sought refuge and inspiration in its beautiful words.

     Samantha couldn't help but feel envious as she reflected on poetry's popularity in comparison to her troubles with short story writing. Maybe, she thought, it was time to try something new.

     Just then, her buddy Asha entered the room.

     "Hey, Sam, what are you up to?" she asked, taking a seat on the side of the bed.

     Samantha groaned and gestured to the blank paper in front of her.

     "Trying to write, but it's just not happening," Samantha replied.

     "I don't know what's wrong with me," she added.

     "Writer's block sucks,"
Asha said.

     "But maybe it's a sign that you should try something different. Have you ever thought about writing poetry?" Asha asked.

     "I don't know," Samantha shrugged.

     "I've quit almost a year ago," she said.

     "Well, maybe it's worth giving it another go," Asha offered.

     "You never know, you might surprise yourself," she encouraged.

     Samantha was encouraged by her friend's remarks and decided to give it a go. She took out her notepad and pen, determined to discover if poetry may once again be the key to unleashing her creativity.

     Samantha felt liberated as she began to write, something she hadn't felt in weeks, and even months. The words came more readily now as if she'd finally discovered her actual purpose. She poured her heart and soul into each line, pulling inspiration from her personal experiences and feelings.

     Samantha's sister, Kai, visited her a few days later.

     "Hey, Sam, what have you been up to lately?" she asked, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

     Samantha grinned, feeling a rush of excitement rise inside her.

     "I've been writing poetry," she explained.

     "I know it sounds crazy, but I think I might be onto something," she added.

     Kai's eyes glowed with eagerness.

     "That's amazing!" she said.

     "I always knew you had a way with words. I can't wait to read your poems again!" an excited Sam exclaimed.

     Samantha, encouraged by her sister's passion, continued to write. Each day brought new inspiration, and before long, she had a collection of poetry she was pleased with.

     When she presented her art to friends and family, the feedback was very favorable. People appeared to connect with her words in ways that they had never done with her stories, seeking comfort and consolation in the feelings she described.

     Samantha decided to devote her entire time to creating poems after receiving positive comments. She placed down her short stories, relieved as she began this new chapter in her life.

     But when Samantha buried herself in her newfound interest, she couldn't help but feel guilty. How about her stories? What about the characters she'd created and the worlds she envisioned?

     She fought with these ideas for days, divided between her old passion and the exhilaration of her new one. In the end, she realized that she had to follow her heart.

     Samantha started with a resolve to leave her imprint on the world of poetry. She participated in open mic nights and poetry slams, sharing her work with everyone who would listen. And with each new poem she wrote, she felt a sense of accomplishment that she had never known before.

     Samantha eventually discovered that it didn't matter if she wrote short tales or poems. What mattered was that she was expressing herself authentically. And as long as she did this, she felt she was on the correct track.

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