Day 88 - Ever Evelyn

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   A woman named Evelyn exists who is not like any other. Aside from her, no one else knows that she is immortal. She has been walking the planet alone for ages, keeping her everlasting life secret from the prying eyes of humanity.

     Evelyn was born centuries ago in a long-forgotten era, and she unintentionally found she was immortal. She watched as her loved ones grew older and died over the years, leaving her to travel the world by herself. She became more acclimated to her isolation with every decade that went by, taking comfort in the quick moments of beauty life had to offer.

     Evelyn has seen the birth and death of civilizations as well as the rise and fall of empires throughout the ages. She has seen the beauty of the natural world and human achievement up close, having gone to every corner of the planet. However, she always stays an outsider, a mute observer, cut off from the world around her, regardless of where she travels or what she sees.

     Evelyn has witnessed immense pain and sorrow during her lengthy life, but she has also learned a great deal and honed innumerable abilities. She has witnessed battles fought, lives lost, and the recurring blunders of humanity. Even though she has attempted to change the world when she can, her immortality has frequently made it impossible for her to have a genuine impact on those around her.

     Evelyn is unaffected by the ages, her looks remaining unaltered even as decades pass. However, beneath her timeless façade is a heart weighed down by decades of isolation. She yearns for company and someone to enjoy the enduring beauty of the earth with. However, she is aware that this is not feasible because disclosing her immortality would draw unwelcome attention and suspicion.

     Evelyn is the only one who knows the mystery of her perpetual existence, and she thus keeps wandering the earth by herself. Despite being able to walk among humans, she will always be distinct from them and spend all of eternity alone.

     She had tried to interact with other people on multiple occasions, but it was a risky move for her since she knew she could not engage with long-term connections with them. She had fallen in love a thousand times with men and women from different eras but was unable to express her feelings.

     She met people who wanted to be immortal, but Evelyn herself wanted to live a normal life. Contrary to what some people wish for, Evelyn was willing to give anything to give up her immortality in exchange for a normal and fruitful life.

     To this day, Evelyn is still out there, hiding from plain sight, wishing she could walk the road normal people walk on in their everyday lives.

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