Day 115 - Mr. Harris

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     Phoebe, a five-year-old girl, woke up from a sweet dream, filled with anticipation, as the first rays of morning spread their soothing shine onto the peaceful street. For as long as she could remember, she had gotten up early every morning to greet her favorite street vendor—the nice old guy who sold freshly baked bread from his wooden cart.

     Phoebe rushed to the window, her pulse racing with excitement. Sure enough, he was trundling down the street with his faithful cart. She waited with bated breath as he approached, his joyful whistle resounding through the fresh morning air.

     "Good morning, Mr. Harris!" Phoebe said, waving cheerfully from her seat at the window.

     "Good morning, Phoebe!" Mr. Harris said with a bright grin and twinkling eyes.

     "Got your usual order ready for you!" he added.

     Phoebe smiled from ear to ear as she went downstairs to greet him. For years, she had relished the simple pleasure of beginning her day with a warm loaf of bread from Mr. Harris' cart, and she treasured every connection with the cheerful seller.

     However, as the weeks progressed into months, Phoebe began to detect a difference. Mr. Harris's visits grew less frequent, and his once-jovial manner took on a sorrowful tone. Still, she held out hope that he would return, clinging to the familiar pattern they had enjoyed for so long.

     Then, one fateful morning, Phoebe awakened to find the street deserted, the soothing sound of Mr. Harris' whistle missing. Confused and discouraged, she went outside in quest of explanations, only to discover that the spot where his cart formerly stood was now unoccupied.

     "What happened to Mr. Harris?" Phoebe asked the other sellers that passed by her street, her voice laced with anxiety.

     Phoebe received unclear and cryptic responses, leaving her with more questions than answers. She went back to her bedroom with a broken heart, her thoughts flooded with recollections of the caring seller who had brightened her mornings for so many years.

     As Phoebe got older, her early memories faded like echoes in the wind. Regardless of how many years passed, she never forgot Mr. Harris' warmth and friendliness, or the simple delight of their daily rendezvous.

     Then, one day, a curious Phoebe searched for him on the Internet. She saw a newspaper article from fifteen years ago with a familiar name and a black-and-white image. With anxiety, she read the article, her heart sinking with each word.

     Mr. Harris—her favorite street vendor—had died on the day he never returned. Mr. Harris left behind a legacy of compassion and generosity. As Phoebe read through the tributes and remembrances, tears welled up in her eyes, mixed with bittersweet recollections of their time together.

     Her family and the entire community hid the truth from her because she was too young back then to understand what happened to the beloved vendor. But in that moment, Phoebe realized the true impact Mr. Harris had had on her life, and she vowed to carry his memory in her heart forever. Though he may have left this world, his spirit lived on in the countless lives he had touched, including hers. As she gazed out the window, she whispered a silent thank you to the man who had taught her the true meaning of compassion and friendship.

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