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Lex pulled her jacket tight around her body as she made her way to V Tower, She sighed running her hand thru her hair anxiously, unsure of what this meeting would be.

The receptionist looked up as Lex made her way to the desk. She smiled trying to appear confident. " Lex Ahote.....I have a meeting with Vox at 1."

The receptionist began typing, "Ahote.....Ahote..... ah yes! Elevator is around the corner, top floor, I will let Mr. Vox know you are on your way."

"Thank You." Lex made her way to the elevator checking her phone on the way. She smiled as she stepped in and pressed the button before replying to the text from Angel telling her to just relax and everything was going to be fine. The ding brought her back to reality, as the doors opened and she stepped out into the foyer.

The secretary smiled, "Mr. Vox is ready to see you, go on in."

Lex nodded and smiled at the young lady before opening the doors to Voxs office.

"Lex...." Vox rose from his desk. " Long time no see.... come.....come.... have a seat." He smiled as she sat down. "Valentino is so excited to be acquiring Sinister Studios." Carefully he laid out some papers on his desk. "He is ecstatic that you will be joining the main studio with this merger, I will be handling all the paperwork, Val should be here soon." He took a seat as she began reading over the paperwork. " It is a basic work contract, everything from pay to housing is outlined."

Lex hummed as she read. "You do realize that Frankie made it known that I am able to make decisions about my affairs."

Vox chuckled, "Lex you realize that upon his death that negotiation was null and void." He sat up straight in his chair. " I am surprised that upon his departure you didn't take his place."

Lex smiled, " You should know better than anyone that I have no desire to be an Overlord Voxy....." She looked over the last paper. " I am more than happy to not be involved in a constant power struggle."

Vox watched her with curiosity. " As long as I have known you...... you have the capability of being ...... substantial." He smiled. " But yet you choose to be insignificant..."

"You know I am anything but insignificant."

"You know if you take this offer you are basically opened by the studio." Vox shook his head. " And given your mouth that is going to be a big adjustment for you." He laid a pen out on the table. " I can try to help you along but ultimately everything is Vals decision." He lightly touched her cheek, "Givin the history between us he might cut you a little slack."

Lex pulled back from his touch. " I doubt it......" She jumped as Valentino flung the doors open.

"Ah... Lex." Valentino smiled as he walked up to the desk. "It's wonderful to see you again.... sorry to hear about Frankies untimely demise."

" You're late...." Vox shook his head sitting back down.

"Shoot ran long...:" Valentino sat next to Lex. "I had to fire a couple before coming here." He smiled... "So...... "

"We are just down to the finalization of the contract." Vox smiled. "Lex had just finished looking it over.

"Annnnnnddd?" Valentino purred. " Are the terms satisfactory?"

Lex nodded. "Everything looks right...... I just want to make it clear that I am not owned...... my career is owned."

Valentino smiled. " Of course my little wolf.... I will merely provide what you need while in the studio or under my care."

"I plan on finding my own place to live." Lex twirled the pen in her fingers. " I will only be under your care until I can do so...... I am moving from outside Pentagram City so that could take a while." She stared Val down as he smirked. "But it will happen... I will not be under anyones thumb outside of work hours any longer than I have to."

Vox placed another paper down in front of her. "Alright Lex this is the last page, it reiterates everything that was in the previous papers along with a list if all positions that are considered part of your employment." He grabbed a a pen to point out Each one as he spoke. " OK, of course the porn studio, but also the strip club which includes all three types of shows that are put on within.... strip.....sex.....and burlesque which of course includes your singing talents.. All I need is a signature that you accept the terms." Nods as she signs. " I will sign as preparer.... Val I need your signature as the primary stakeholder of the career Listed within the contract."

Valentino smiled as he signed. "So..... ready for the grand tour?" He stood offering her his hand.

Lex smiled taking his hand. " Of course." She smiled at Vox "It was good to see you again Vox,hopefully I'll see you again soon."


Valentino pulled her in close as they walked out of V Tower. " You've been to the studio so I want to show you the club and a few other places."

Lex shrugged off his possessive hold. "I'm not yours Val....."

Valentino stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. His eyes were cold and empty, devoid of any emotion except for anger. "You will be." He growled, grabbing her chin roughly. "A few weeks here and you'll beg me to make You mine."

"Doubtful..... Just because I've had some good times with you and Vox in the past does not mean you own me..... you own my career there is a difference."

Valentino's grip tightened on her chin. "You really think it's that easy?" He sneered, his other hand coming up to grab her hair, pulling her head back roughly. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."He stroked her cheek,"Now come on little wolf..... don't be that way....... I don't want to have to act like your boss right now."

Lex shyed away from his hand on her cheek. "That's exactly what you are........ my boss....... nothing more."

"Oh, but there's so much more, my sweet little wolf." Valentino whispered in her ear, his breath tickling the skin behind it. He pulled back slightly, his eyes boring into hers. "And you're going to learn just how much power I have over you now." " He smiled. "Now come along, the limo is waiting so I can show you around."

Lex glared at him, but she knew better than to push his buttons. She followed him towards the limo hesitating for a moment before opening the door and climbing inside.

"Good girl." He praised her as he slid into the seat beside her. "So, tell me, Lex," He started, his voice still holding that cold, distant edge."Why did you decide to take our offer to become part of the main studio?"

Lex rolled her eyes at him, trying to hide the shiver that ran down her spine when he used her name. "It's just a job."

Valentino's grin widened, almost seeming to glow in the dim light of the limo. "Oh, but little wolf, you underestimate both the pull of temptation and the depth of our pockets." He purred, leaning closer to her. His hand slipped between them, grazing her thigh before pressing firmly against it. "I could always make it worth your while to accept a different offer." he whispered, his lips brushing against her earlobe. "More money, more perks..."

Lex couldn't help but squirm under his touch, her body betraying her despite her attempts to resist. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "And let me guess...... all it costs me is my soul......"

Valentino grinned. "Something like that." He pressed harder against her thigh, tracing circles with his finger.

She swallowed nervously, trying to maintain eye contact with him. "And if I refuse?"

Valentino's eyes narrowed, his grip on her thigh tightening. "Either way I still technically own you..... be it you or your career." He leaned back, looking her over with a mix of amusement and menace. He smiled as the limo stopped at the club. "Shall we?"

Lex hesitated, her mind racing as she considered her options. She knew that if she didn't give in, he would only become more violent towards her, and there was no telling what he might do to destroy her career. With a sigh, she nodded getting out of the limo. "Lead the way."

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