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Lex plopped down on the couch, throwing her legs on Angel. "Morning."

Angel stretched, "Morning, sleepyhead." He smiled. "Soooooo how was your night?"

Lex laughed, "Tell ya later..... not here."

Angel grinned, "Well, what better time than on the way to work." He laughed pushing her legs off of him. "Since you slept in we have to leave like now if we're gonna make it on time." Angel smirked as they started walking. " Alright... spill..."

Lex bit her lip, "Alastor... he... uhm... well..."

Angel raised an eyebrow, "Well? Spit it out already."

Lex anxiously wrung her hands. "He was so..... dangerous. It was primal and violent." She dropped her voice to a whisper. " And I liked it."

Angel stopped walking, causing Lex to bump into him. He turned to face her, his expression serious. "How violent?"

Lex shivered, "He bit me... hard enough to bring blood." She hesitated before adding, "He tied me up too, slapped me around when I asked and let me do the same to him."

Angel's eyes widened. "Shit, Lex... that's... intense." He paused, thinking for a moment before asking softly, "And you want to do it again?"

Lex swallowed thickly, her heart racing at the thought. "Yeah.... he fills the need for violence so Im not so antsy all the time." She looked away, feeling exposed and aroused all at once.

Angel reached out to gently brush a lock of hair behind her ear. "Lex... I'm not going to lie. That sounds fucked up, but also kind of hot." He paused, thinking some more. "But you need to be careful. You know that right?"

Lex nodded, "I know... it's just... sometimes I crave it." She looked back at him, her eyes filled with a mix of vulnerability and desire. "And he fills that need then what's the harm?"

Angel bit his lip, trying to process her words. "Alright," he said slowly. "Look, if you want to do something like that, you need to be really fucking careful who you get involved with." He took a step closer, his body inches from hers. "And don't let him get you under his thumb."

Lex's breath hitched as he got so close. "I-I won't," she promised, her voice barely a whisper. "I just dont ever want have what happend with Vick happen again." She leaned in, pressing her lips against his in a desperate, hungry kiss. "It hurt you and I can't deal with that."

Angel froze for a moment at her words, the shock of her admission washing over him like a wave. He didn't pull away, however, instead wrapping his arms around her and letting out a shaky breath as he kissed her back. "That wasn't your fault..... Val is....."

Lex held onto him tightly, her body trembling. "I know," she whispered between kisses. She pulled back slightly, looking into his eyes. "He's an abusive, sadistic fuck.... sad thing is I like it."

"Why do you fight with him so much then?"

Lex sighed, "My past with Val is toxic....."

Angel nodded, understanding flashing in his eyes. "I get it," he said softly.

They stood there for a moment, caught in each other's embrace. Angel couldn't help but notice the heat radiating off Lex, how her body pressed against his. He wanted her, needed her, and he didn't care if she was damaged or not. "Lex..."

Lex looked up at him, her eyes filled with desire and need. "Yes?" she whispered, her breath hot against his lips.

Without another word, Angel kissed her deeply, their tongues dancing together as they lost themselves in the moment. They stumbled backward until they hit the wall behind them, and Angel felt Lex's hand sliding up his chest to cup his face.

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