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Lex pulled her jacket tighter around herself as they walked out of Vicks house. "Angel?" She spoke softly with concern in her voice. Waiting for a response and getting nothing panic settled in.

Angel finally turned to her. "Lex... I can't stop thinking about earlier...." He shook his head trying to gather his thoughts. " I mean what the fuck was that."

Lex's face paled. "A-Angel, I..." She didn't know what to say. She looked down at the ground, her heart racing.

Angel grabbed her chin and made her look at him. "Lex, I'm not judging... I just..." He trailed off, his eyes searching hers for understanding. " You liked it when I hit you..."

Lex swallowed hard, her eyes locked on Angel's. "I-I did... but that doesn't mean I want you to hurt me..." She bit her lip nervously. "It was just part of the job."

Angel nodded,"I know... but it was more than that." He stepped closer to her, their bodies almost touching. "I saw the look in your eyes..... it was not just part of the job."

Lex shivered slightly as he stepped closer, her heart racing. She could feel the heat emanating from his body and it made her even more nervous. "Angel..." She whispered his name, her voice trembling slightly.

Angel leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear. "Tell me you didn't enjoy that..... I ....I... h ..h...hit you" he whispered, the tears welling in his eyes.

Lex gulped, feeling Angel's warm breath against her neck. "I can't lie to you, Angel." She looked up at him, their eyes locking again. "It... it turned me on. But that's not who I am.... not anymore."

They stood in silence for a moment before Angel spoke up. "Lex... I don't want to hurt you." His voice was soft, almost pleading. "I care about you more than anything... I don't care what a client wants. I will NEVER hit you again."

Lex looked into Angel's eyes, seeing the sincerity there. She knew he was telling the truth, and it made her heart ache even more. "I know you won't, Angel." She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "But..." She reached up and placed her hand on his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her fingers. "I need you to understand.... I crave violence..... It's just part of who I am... was......fuck I don't ķnow anymore...." Her voice was shaky but determined. "I need to feel that rush."

Angel's expression softened, and he brought Lex's hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss against her knuckles. "I understand," he whispered. "But I can't give you that...I just can't." He paused, his eyes searching hers. "But I'll give you something else... something even better." He leaned in, capturing her lips in a tender, passionate kiss. His hands slid down her back, pulling her closer to him. "I'll give you love...and acceptance...just like I always have. You are my best friend, and I don't care what kinky shit you're into....I love ya anyway."

Lex's eyes fluttered closed as she leaned into Angel, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. She pulled back slowly, her lips swollen from his kisses. "Thank you," she whispered, tears glistening in her eyes. "I love you too, Angel."

"You're welcome, love," Angel replied, He traced the outline of her lips with his finger before pulling away from her slightly to look into her eyes once more.

Lex wiped away his tears with the pad of her thumb, "Let's get back to the club."

They walked back to the club hand in hand, their steps slow but determined. Once they were inside, Lex let go of Angel's hand and headed straight for the bar. She ordered two shots of tequila and downed them in quick succession before slamming the glass down on the counter.

Angel watched her with concern but didn't say anything. Instead, he ordered them both another round of shots. He waited until she'd downed hers before sliding onto the barstool next to her. "You okay?"

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