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"I found her... " Lex flung the girl into the room before wiping blood off her face. " Next time one of your new girls goes missing don't fucking call me!"

Valentino's face contorted with rage as he stared at Lex, the veins in his neck bulging as he clenched his fists. He leaned forward, his eyes full of fury. "You dare challenge me after bringing back a fucking mess?

"She's your fucking mess Val!" Lex leaned against the wall to steady herself. " I found her, took care of the problem and brought her back.... what more do you fucking want!"

Valentino let out a low, menacing chuckle. "You're right, Lex. You did bring her back, and you did take care of the problem. But at what cost?" He pointed at the girl cowering in the corner, her body bruised and battered.

"This is what happens when you fuck up!" Lex snarled, her face twisting into a mask of anger. She stepped towards Val, her hands curling into fists. "You let her go there knowing damn well it wasn't safe!" She smirked."I could have just killed her as well and cut my losses but I didn't.... I did as you asked and brought her back."

Valentino's eyes narrowed at Lex's defiance. He had known she was strong-willed, but he had hoped she would show more respect to his authority. His red glare turned to the girl in the corner. "Go to your room, Lily," he snapped.

The girl whimpered and scurried off, leaving Valentino alone with Lex. He stepped closer to her, his face just inches from hers. "You should have killed her," he whispered menacingly. "Now she's broken and useless."

Lex flinched, "Please don't do this...... not right now."

Valentino's lips curled into a sinister smile. "How many did you kill?"

"What's it matter how many I killed?" Lex snapped. "I did what you wanted, now can we just move on?" She tried to pull away from him but he grabbed her wrist, pulling her close.

Valentino's grip tightened around Lex's wrist as he pulled her towards him. His mouth was still curled into a malicious grin. "Oh, Lex... it matters a great deal." He leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. " I've watched you fight your need ever since you came back " he kissed her neck, "All you needed was a little push." He nipped at her neck, "How did it feel to kill again?" He pressed his body against her, his breathing quickening. "How many times did you close your eyes and feel the power coursing through you?" He slid his hand down her back, caressing her skin. "Did you enjoy it?"

Lex shivered, her body responding to his touch despite herself. She tried to pull away but found herself unable to resist him. "Stop it," she whispered, her voice trembling with fear and desire. "I don't want this.......not again."

"Oh, but you do, my sweet." He whispered against her neck, his voice like a sinister caress. "You've just forgotten what it feels like to let go."

Vox flung the office door open. "One of your girls called me and said I needed to get down here before the two of you killed eachother." He took in Lexs appearance, "What the hell happened to you."

"One of the new girls got into some trouble... Val sent me to get her." She sighed trying to regain some sense of control. She could feel Valentino's hands roaming over her body, igniting feelings she thought she had long buried.

"She's safe now." Vox smirked, his eyes trailing down to the marks on her neck. He took a step closer to her, his body heat enveloping hers. "And you are covered in blood." He held his arms out for her, sighing as she quickly ran to him. "How many?" He rubbed her back softly, "It's okay, baby. You did what you had to do." Vox ran his fingers through her hair, "How many love?"

"Three." She whispered, her voice shaking slightly. "I... I got away clean, no one knows it was me."

Vox looked into her eyes, searching for any signs of fear or regret. He pulled her close, his body pressing against hers. "That's my girl."

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