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Angel sat the glass down on the bar. “She should be here soon. “ He sighed, “It was a long day... hopefully her meeting didn’t take long.”

Cherri laughed. “She’ll be here Angie don’t worry.”

Lex walked into the bar, her heels clicking against the floor. She smiled when she saw Angel and Cherri at the bar, making her way over to them. “Hey bitches...,” she said as she sat between them.

“About time you got here..” Cherri smiled, “Angie was getting worried.”

“Meeting ran a little late..... Val got involved.” Lex motioned to the bartender downing the shot he slid her.

Cherri giggled, “I know just what will help...... pick your poison.”

Lex smiled as she put the last of a powder substance on her hand. “I came prepared.” She chuckled and quickly inhaled the powder wiping her nose after. “That should do the trick.”

Cherri laughed “Fuck yeah.” She quickly took two pills from her pocket popping them in her mouth and taking a drink. “Angie? I have more if you want them.”

Angel looked at Cherri and then at Lex, a small smirk appearing on his lips. “Yes, please.”

Lex waived to Charlie as she walked in with the others. “This got interesting.”

Angel smiled. “Hopefully she doesn’t get in to any trouble.”

“She’ll be fine,” Lex nodded toward the door. “Vaggie is with her.”

Angel laughed, “True, she’s not likely to get into any serious trouble with Vaggie around.” He then looked at Lex and smirked, “Let’s hit the dancefloor.”

“So you hook up with snakey boy yet?” Lex smiled at Cherri as they danced.

“Ugh, no way. He’s so awkward.” Cherri laughed.

Lex laughed “He’s only awkward because he has a thing for you.”

Cherri glance over at Pensious sitting at the bar.  “He’s not that bad,” she shrugged. “I mean, he tries too hard but he’s harmless.”

“But that’s what makes him irresistible.” Lex grinned mischievously. “Has that good guy you wanna turn bad vibe....”

Cherri giggled “Well, he’s not bad enough for me to go there. Plus, I don’t think he can handle it.” She sipped her drink and felt the warmth spread through her body. “He’s probably so vanilla in bed that it would fuckin bore me.”

Lex smirked “Oh, you’d be surprised.” She leaned in closer to Cherri, lowering her voice. “I heard he’s got a bit of a kinky side. You know, the quiet ones usually do.”  Lex chuckled, "He's a snake as well... been in a film with one before ... their anatomy is pretty interesting....."

“Mmm, Angie kinda mentioned that....” Cherri licked her lips, her mind wandering to naughty thoughts of using that snake-like anatomy for her own pleasure.

Lex giggled, nudging Cherri slightly. “You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat but satisfied the tiger. Wanna find out?” She asked with a wicked grin.

“Hell yeah.” Cherri smiled, “Just not tonight.... I was thinking I would spend time with you and Angie tonight.”

Lex smiled, “Yeah... it has been a while since the three of us have spent time together. Maybe later you could .......” She shivered as Angel placed his hand gently on her side.

Cherri watched as Angel began to slowly explore Lexs body on the dancefloor, “Damn... you two are so fucking hot.” She smiled “Oh fuck yeah...” She leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Lex’s neck before slowly trailing her tongue down her neck.

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