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Angel smiled as they walked toward the club. “Val is gonna want us to sit with him tonight.”

Lex nodded. “So what exactly is this New talent night?”

Angel opened the door. “It’s like an open audition.... I usually don’t see much of because of clients.”

Inside the club, they were greeted by the sound of music and the flicker of flashing lights. Angel led Lex through the crowd until they reached a table where Val was already seated with several other men and women.

Valentino smiled. “ Ah... there’s my two top earners, Lex, my dear. You look absolutely stunning tonight." Valentino purred, his eyes scanning her body hungrily. He couldn't help but smile, knowing that she was just another pawn in his game of control and lust. He leaned back on the couch. “ Come sit...... looks like there is going to be a good show tonight.”

Angel and Lex took their places on either side of Valentino .

Valentino leaned over and slowly ran hand over Angel’s body. “You’re looking particularly beautiful tonight.” He purred, leaning in to kiss his neck as his other hand moved down Lexs leg.

He smiled and settled back I to the couch as the first act took the stage. “You both get whatever you want tonight.” He summoned the nearby waiter. “Angel you know what’s available.....”  He smiled as Angel ordered himself and Lex a drink. “Get yourselves something to relax as well. He watched the stage sipping on his drink. "I think it's time for you two to show off those pretty little moves of yours," he said, setting his glass down on the table. "Show them how it's really done."

Valentino’s eyes gleamed with anticipation as he watched Lex and Angel make their way onto the stage. He nodded approvingly at their performance, his gaze constantly shifting between them. As they finished he signaled for them to return to him. “That was incredible,” he praised, his voice laced with genuine admiration. “ He took a sip of his drink and leaned back in his chair, his gaze flickering between Lex and Angel. "So," he began, a calculating smile spreading across his face. "I have a little proposal for the two of you.....You see..... I have a new client who’s looking for something a little... different.”

“Explain different.” Lex smiled. “ Just want to know what we’re getting into.”

“He’s into extreme stuff,” Valentino continued, his grin widening. “And I think you two would be perfect for the job..... He wants you to... well,” The overlord’s eyes gleamed at the thought of it. “Lets just say hes into very dark BDSM” He purred, leaning forward again. “I know that might sound unappealing to some people, but trust me when I say this man is willing to pay well for your services.” Valentino licked his lips, unable to contain his excitement. "What do you say, my sweets?"

Angel looked to Lex. “Are you alright with all that?”

Lex grinned at Angel. “I’m fine with it as long as you are.” She turned to Valentino, her grin matching the overlord’s. “I think we can make this work out nicely.”

“Excellent,” Valentino purred, standing up from his seat. “You two are going to be very popular with my new client.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black card, pressing it into Lex’s hand.  "This is the address where you'll find him," Valentino said, his voice dark and menacing. "He'll be waiting for you." The overlord's eyes flickered to Angel, his gaze heavy with lust. "And don't worry, I’ll make sure someone keeps an eye on you,” Valentino promised, his lips curling into a wicked smile. “Just remember to give him what he wants.”

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