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The sun peeked thru the curtains as Lex slowly woke the next morning. She smiled as she saw Nuggs still cuddled up under her arm. She yawned softly, stretching out under the warmth of the blankets before glancing over at Angel, still sound asleep next to her, his chest rising and falling slowly with each breath.

Angel's eyes fluttered open, a sleepy smile spreading across his lips. "Mmmm... good morning," he murmured. "What time is it?"

Lex glanced over at the clock on the nightstand. "It's almost ten," she replied with a yawn.

Angel sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stretched out beside her, his cock twitching slightly under the thin fabric of his boxers. "You're a bed hog..... we should see about Charlie getting you your own room."

Lex laughed, "You'd miss me."

Angel grinned, "Not as much as you'd miss me." He chuckled "I miss having my own space... I mean I love ya toots but..."

Lex giggled, rolling her eyes. "You're so dramatic, Dusty. Besides, we make great spoon buddies." She pressed her bare back against his chest . "And it's not like we haven't slept together before."

Angel groaned, "You're impossible." He kissed the top of her head softly before moving to nuzzle his face into her neck. He giggled, "I'll just have to watch porn and jackoff right in front of you then."

Lex chuckled, feeling him laugh against her neck. "Oh, really? And just how often do you actually watch porn, Angel?" she asked, her voice teasing.

Angel smirked, "Depends on how many hot guys are on live."

Lex laughed, pushing herself up onto her elbows to look at him. "So you're just going to let random strangers on the internet determine how often you masturbate?" She raised an eyebrow playfully.

"You asked how often I watch porn ..... not how often I masturbate." He chuckled " There is a big difference...."

Lex bit her lip to keep from laughing, "Okay, Mr. Modest...... So how often do you masturbate, then?"

Angel smirked, "Oh, come on, you know how often guys masturbate. And I'm not gonna answer that."

Lex pouted playfully. "Aw, c'mon, don't be shy." She leaned in closer and whispered against his neck, her lips brushing against his skin. "You're a fuckin porn star..... bet you do it twice as often as most men." She fell back on the bed giggling hysterically.

Angel laughed, rolling over onto his side to face her. "Alright, alright. You win. I'll admit it... I'm a horny bastard." He grinned cheekily. " You are insufferable."

Lex giggled and playfully punched his shoulder. "Oh, shut up! You love it."

Angel shrugged. "Yeah, maybe I do." He grinned and looked over at her, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "So what about you? How often do you watch porn?"

Lex rolled her eyes, smirking. "Oh, Angel. You're so fucking predictable." She sat up on the bed, swinging her legs over the side. "Alright, fine. I watch porn... maybe once or twice a week..... I have an excellent imagination so I really don't need it."

Angel raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "You do?" he asked, his voice teasing. "Then why are you always so damn horny?"

Lex rolled her eyes. "I'm not always horny, you idiot!" She grabbed her phone off the nightstand and began scrolling through it absently. "I just... enjoy sex more than most people."

Angel chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Well, I guess that's true." He leaned back against the headboard and stretched out his long legs. "So, what kind of porn do you watch? Or should I say, who?"

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