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Angel smiled as they walked into the studio. Lex was always more herself when they were there she was more confident , never showing weakness.

Valentino looked up as they walked in. "Ahh there are my two stars...." He smiled. "Hope you two are ready..... it's going to be a long day."

Lex shuddered as she saw the two young ladies from last night. She quickly shook it off and smiled at Valentino. "Let's get started."

After discussing roles and expectations with everyone involved, Valentino began to film the first scene. He directed Lex to perform oral sex on the smaller of the two women, instructing her to keep eye contact with the camera in certain frames. Valentino sat back and watched, his expression cold. He signaled to the assistant to take a break. Once everyone was in position again, he began filming once more. "Lex," he said, voice soft but commanding. "You need to show more enthusiasm," he whispered harshly.

Lex nodded "Yes Valentino."

Valentino smirked and stepped back, watching as Lex took a more dominant role in the scene. He was pleased with how quickly she adapted to his demands. As the day progressed, he filmed numerous scenes involving various combinations of people and acts. His instructions were clear and precise. He enjoyed seeing Lex in both submissive and dominant roles, often switching between them to keep her on edge. The camera caught every moment of pleasure or pain that crossed their faces as they performed.

As the day wore on, Valentino grew more demanding. He expected complete obedience from Lex and anyone else involved in the filming. His temper flared when he felt disrespected or if someone didn't perform to his standards. Valentino approached Lex after a particularly rough scene, his eyes red with anger. "You're not trying hard enough," he hissed. "I expect perfection." As the filming continued, Valentino became increasingly cruel. He forced Lex to perform degrading acts that pushed her limits and left her humiliated on the verge of tears, But was never one to show weakness.

Lex used the break to gather herself, wiping away tears and trying to hide the pain in her body. She knew that disobeying Valentino would only lead to more punishment. Grabbing a small Vial of powder from the table in the corner of her dressing room, she quickly prepared a decent line of the powdered substance. She jumped as Angel knocked at the door."Come in." She said, her voice shaky as she quickly snorted the line of powder

"You okay?" Angel asked, noticing her shaky voice. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him, leaning against it.

"Yeah I'm good Dusty." She smiled as she lit a cigarette. She giggled holding the vial out to him. "Want some?"

Angel's eyes lit up at the sight of the vial. "Oh, I'd love some." He took it from her hand and snorted a line himself, coughing slightly as the powder hit him. "God, that's good shit."

"I know, right?" Lex laughed, watching as Angel's eyes started to glaze over. She leaned in close, running her hand up his chest and stopping just under his neck.

"Everyone back on set." Valentino's voice came over the PA system causing them both to jump.

"Here we go." Lex smiled. "This scene is gonna be a bitch."

Angel nodded, slipping his arm around Lex's waist. "We can handle it." He whispered into her ear as they made their way back onto set,

"Action!" Valentino yelled, and in a split second Angel and Lex moved into character. Their bodies pressing together as they mimicked a passionate kiss. As the scene continued, Angel's hand slipped down to slide her barely there skirt up.

The camera zoomed in on them, capturing every detail of their intimate moment. Lex gasped as Angel's fingers brushed against her sensitive flesh through her lacy thong. The sound of the camera shutting off echoed through the set. Lex pulled away from Angel, her cheeks flushed with desire. "Well, that was hot." She giggled, pulling her skirt back down to its original position.

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