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Arriving at the studio Lex stepped out of the limo into the cool air causing her to shiver and pull her jacket tightly around her.

Valentino slowly got out of the limo and pulled Lex in close. “Come on Baby it’s warm inside.” As they walked Into the studio he smiled. “Come with me...... we will discuss your next movie as soon as I see how the current scene is going.”

Lex looked around as they walked toward the doors that led to the studio, the walls were lined with posters of top selling movies and live events. She smiled as Valentino opened the doors to the studio, the room smelled of smoke and arousal oddly putting her more at ease smiling as she saw her best friend Angel.

Valentino chuckled as he took a seat motioning Lex to sit next to him. As he watched the scene before him he offered Lex a cigarette lighting it for her while never taking his eyes off of Angel.

Lex smiled as she exhaled smoke rings, it was strange being back in this studio after so many years but for some reason it comforted her.

Valentino stood as the scene wrapped. “ Angel Baby?” He smiled as Angel came over. “ I want to discuss an idea I have for a movie involving the two of you.” He pulled them both in close, one on each side of him.” I now have the top two adult film stars in my possession and I plan to take full advantage..... let’s go.somewhere more private so we can talk.”

Valentino led them both through the studio, his hands roaming over their bodies possessively. He led them to a private room where he sat down on the couch and motioned for them to join him. “So,” he began with a smirk, “I was thinking about this movie idea.

Lex and Angel exchanged glances, both feeling uneasy but also intrigued by the potential project. They sat down on either side of Valentino, their hearts racing as he continued to speak. “It involves a lot of... intense scenes,” he said with a chuckle, his eyes darkening as he looked at them. “But I think you both are more than capable of handling it.” He leaned back into the couch, spreading his legs slightly to reveal his massive erection beneath his pants. “

Lex and Angel’s eyes widened in shock as they saw his arousal, but neither of them dared speak or move.

Valentino reached over to grab each of their hands placing them on his bulging member

Lex finally broke the silence, “How intense of scenes and what type?”

Valentino grinned, his teeth sharp like fangs. “Oh, you know... the usual..... Anal, DP, Gangbang.” He paused for dramatic effect. “And of course, plenty of rough BDSM action.”

Angel shivered involuntarily at the mention of such extreme content, but couldn’t help feeling a strange mixture of fear and excitement. He swallowed hard before asking his own question. “And who would be involved in these... scenes?”

Valentino smiled again, this time more menacingly. “Well, you two of course. And I’ve got a few of the usuals in mind” He leaned back against the couch, lazily stroking his cock through his pants. “But that’s not all,” he continued, his voice taking on a deeper, darker tone. “I want to make this movie truly special, and for that, we’ll need fresh meat.”

Angel’s heart skipped a beat at the thought of new sinners joining in on their depraved acts. He swallowed hard, trying to maintain some semblance of composure. “And... and what kind of fresh meat are you talking about?” he managed to ask.

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