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Taehyung and other members reach their hideout which no one knows about except mr kang .

Taehyung asked mr kang to reach their secret hideout to discuss about the new unknown enemy.

Mr kang reached their and bangtan already present their and working on their plans.

Namjoon: so guys i have a plan

Taehyung: yes speak hyung

Namjoon: that we all know our basements and hideouts were attacked so they are being captured means the enemy men's are guiding the areas so if we have kidnapped one of the men and asked him to call his boss that we want a talk with him.

And i think someone betrayer is also present their in our army who tell all information to that bastard.

And when we talk with that unknown bastard then we invite him to this hideout and pretend to offer him some money or weapons but if he attacked is or demand mafia king position then we all surrounded him in a circle and capture him and shoot him .

After his death it is beneficial to us that we added his all army force into our mafia army force because their boss is dead so they are weak .

And our power also increased and also we can captured all his weapons or his property.

Taehyung: very nice plan hyung but what about the betrayer we can also used him then kill him because everyone gets to know what happens who dares to betray us.

Namjoon: yes taehyung betrayer also has a huge part in it.

First we have to capture that betrayer then torture him and get him in our side then when we call the enemy for a meeting he tells us the plan that enemy make because he is not fool who come alone or not attack us behind our back

If we already get to know his plan we can easily defeat him.

Jin: that's my boy what a plan.

Taehyung: that's why he is the mastermind in our group Bangtan.

Jimin: yeah our Hyung is very intelligent.

Yoongi: yeah stop stop everyone he is just using IQ 148 if don't use it here then where he use it so stop praising him my ears are bleeding ( #savage yoongi).

Everyone face palmed while hearing our savage meow.

Taehyung: so jimin, hoseok Hyung prepare our team for the battle when we attacked the enemy you all were attacked the basements and hideouts and defeat his army but not kill them just capture them ok.

Jin hyung and yoongi hyung you both take care of the weapon arrangement.

Namjoon hyung and Mr kang are come with him to meet the enemy.

All: ok boss( while saluting him).

Taehyung: let's back to work ( he smirked and all smirked back too).

Taehyung: yoongi hyung call everyone here i want to talk with all my mafia gang first we have to capture the betrayer.

Yoongi: ok taehyungagah.

Taehyung: jimin you go and capture any man of him here.

Jimin: ok boss.

Yoongi called everyone here and jimin went to the basement secretly in the get up of their gang so no one can identify him.

Taehyung: so everyone is here so you all know our cctvs were hacked and our places were attacked so someone between you all betrayed the mafia king so better tell me who did it I give a peaceful death to him if I get to know by  my self

Then you know what death i give him to him . That death we'll be so painful you can't even imagine and not only i kill him mercilessly but I kill his all family that someone think before betray me.

Taehyung pov:

I see everyone reaction they were all seem to be in fear , huh what a coward army I have i think they need a powerful training and someone caught my eye he seems to be suspected one his body is trembling and his face full of sweat .

Huh so you are the one who betrayed me tsk tsk what a coward i call him and  i smirk seeing his reaction he is totally afraid and trembling.

I catch him by his neck and said " so you are the one who dare to betray us huh"

'Sorry sir he offer me lot of money that's why I do this please forgave me ' he said and my anger rose to a pick for a money he dares to betray me how dare he.

" HOW DARE YOU" I yelled and namjoon stop me to kill him because we needs him.

Taehyung: ok so i forgave you if you work for me and tell me all about him and his plans .

Men: ok sir I tell you all which i know about him.

He is non other than ilsan mafia boss lee jong suk he thinks that only one city his not enough for him he wants to become leader or mafia king of whole korea that's why he's aim is to kill you and take your mafia king position.

He works on this plan for 5 years , he increased his power and enlarged his army in order to defeat you.

So he is lee jung suk i smirked tomorrow is the last day of your life lee jung suk.

" Call him or inform him I want to meet him or want to talk with him" I said while smirking.

Men: sir but i don't have his number but i have his right hand number I call him and inform him but now he gets to know you catch me.

" I don't care" I said and call jimin that he is successful in the plan or not successfully he capture the most trustworthy person of the lee jung suk.

And he is coming here in 10 mins.

Men: sir i informed him and he is very angry on me and said he will call you within minutes.

Taehyung: good and now bye

And i shoot him 3 times on the heart

Taehyung: that is for betraying me you think I leave the betrayer but not gonna possible and guard clean the mess within 5 mins.

Guard: ok boss

Taehyung phone rings.

Taehyung: hello

Jung suk: hello mafia king your death is calling you and you like my attack

Taehyung clenched his jaws.

Taehyung: tsk tsk you are just the small rat who just attack us behind my back and infront of us you are none tsk tsk
Weak rat.

Jung suk: haha what a joke let's meet and fight with me infront i challenged you let's see who the most powerful mafia is and who deserves the mafia king position.

Taehyung: sure so meet this xxx abandoned building and come alone if you have power

Jung suk: sure and you too and may the best win. So Tommorow 10 am and spend the last day of your life bye my so called mafia king

Taehyung: you too spend the last day because i  give you the most painful death and someone think before attacked me and you see why I am the mafia king not you.

Taehyung cut the phone.

Jimin enters with the lee jung suk men which have visible bruises on his body and with his hands tied .

Taehyung: welcome welcome.
Jimin and yoongi hyung you know what you have to do with him I want him to be in my side so the torture begins( he smirked and yoongi and jimin and other members also smirked)

Yoongi: that's my most favourite work.

Jimin: mine too.

To be continued............

Don't forget to vote and let's see who wins the battle lee jung suk or our mafia king kim taehyung.

Hope you like the chapter
Love you and borahe💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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