Chapter 20

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New chapter! A couple people convinced me of updating every Monday, so here it is. It's the longest chapter and I hope you like it. Sorry for putting it up so late, but I couldn't find the right words to write this particular chapter. Love you guys!

"Are you ready yet Matt?" I asked him as I prepared a couple of snacks for the ride.

"Almost, I need to find my other shoe," Matt told me and searched all over the place.

"I think you left it in the bathroom."

He nodded and got out of the room quickly.

"Avery, did finish packing?" 

"Yes..." She said with the last of voice she had left.

Tears began to rush down her face, as her breath became faster each time.

"Come here," I said and hugged her, enjoying every second of it.

This can be my last hug with my little sister - This thought repeated again and again in my head.

"I-I-I don't wanna l-leave without y-y-you," Avery told me with difficulty as she was now sobbing uncontrollably.

"I don't want to leave you either, but it safer if you go with them, I need to stay and take care of Colton," I got to her level and cleaned the fresh tears on her cheeks, "Lourdes will take care of you and as soon as Colton gets better, we'll meet up with you."

Avery nodded and took a deep breath.

"I'm ready, Emily," Matt walked in the room with a shoe in his hand.

"Perfect, you need to get going or else Lourdes will go without you," I told both of them with a laugh.

"I bet you I get there first," Matt told Avery with an adorable smile.

Avery ran outside the room as soon as she heard Matt.

"Not fair!" Matt screamed and ran behind her.

"Wait for me!" I yelled.


I was walking hand in hand with Avery in my left side and with Matt in my right, each one had their backpacks and were ready to go.

I squeezed Avery's hand and gave her a look. Her face was stern and her eyes were puffy from all the crying.

I turned my head and looked at Matt. His face's muscles were tense too, but his gaze was all over the place and made it obvious he was looking for someone. 

I stopped suddenly and got on my knees. I had both, Matt and Avery in front of me. Their eyebrows were up and their mouths were opened in surprise. 

"I need both of you to listen carefully. You need to stay together, never leave each other's side and always protect each other," I paused and a tear escaped my eye, but I quickly cleaned got off, "make sure to keep an eye on Lourdes, she needs people who will take care of her too."

I hugged Avery tightly and kissed her cheek. 

"I love you," She whispered in my ear.

"I love you even more," I answered.

Then, I came closer to Matt and hugged him with the same emotion I did with Avery and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you, Emily, you're the best," Matt told me.

He has become my brother too

"Can I talk to you, Emily?" Tom walked towards us.

"Sure," I got up my knees and cleaned my cheeks, "You guys get going I'm sure Lourdes is looking for you."

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