Chapter 45

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37k?! Never thought this much people would actually read this book. Wow! Thank you guys, your comments make my day

     The sound of metal crashing against itself filled the cells as my feet collided with the door's gate again and again. It hadn't work the first fifteen times, and it would probably not work the sixteenth, but I didn't know what else to do.

An hour had passed since they locked us down in the cells, along with Maggie and the rest of Pope's gang. I tell you, not the best company. It was possible that I had too much trust on Tom, because I was expecting for him to walk past the door and get us out of there, but it was dead silence.

"Emily, stop," Maggie told me and sighed, "You're gonna hurt yourself, and we we'll get nothing from it." She was getting irritated by my actions but tried to cover it up by resting the palms of her hands on her face.

"She's right, it'll do no good," Marshall spoke up for the first time since we were taken down to the cells. He was sitting in the corner with closed eyes and calm breathing.

"At least I'm trying to get out of here," I said under my breath, earning a grumble from Maggie.

I kicked the door a couple more times, until I finally gave up. A frustrating sigh escaped my lips as I took a seat next to Maggie. "I'm sorry for being a jackass, I'm just worried for my siblings."

Maggie nodded and continued gazing into space.

"You have family still alive?" Marshall asked and got up to his feet. His head was tilted to the side and curiosity filled his eyes.

"Yes, two little kids and an older brother. It has been tough, but we have managed."

"What, kids? Ho-" Marshall started but was cut off by the crack of doors opening.

There he was, standing on the top of the stairs with his shining armor and sword hanging over his shoulder. He was always there to save me, and for once I didn't want to be saved by him.

Hal exchanged a couple of words with the guard and pointed his head towards Maggie. Soon after, the guard was knocked on the floor as Hal had hit him with his gun right on the jaw. Dai came in and kneeled next to the guard as he tied his arms behind his back.

"Better make this fast," Hal said unlocking the gate's door.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Maggie exclaims just as shocked as I was.

"Manchester won't let us go the meeting with the rebellion so we are going anyway and I would like for you to come with us," Hal said, referring to Maggie. Ouch.

I looked down, waiting for Hal to open the door and get myself out of there as soon as possible, but instead, I heard his voice once again.

"And I would like for Emily to come too," he said unlocking my door, "I've spent the last few days in hell, you know that? Not because of the shitty stuff happening at this place or anything like that, but because I didn't have you by my side."

He came inside and took my hand. "I need you, more than anything else and I want you back."

Hal's thumb caressed my cheek, and once again, I couldn't function. His gentle touch against my skin caught me by surprise, making me take a small step back. His eyes were fixed on mine like he was trying to figure out his next move, this while he bit his lower lip which drove me crazy. Although I wanted to throw myself at him, I couldn't. I had lost enough self-respect the last week.

It took all my strength to look him in the eyes and said, "No time for that."

I moved away and ran up the stairs, but was stopped midway by my own body. I turned around before leaving, and there was Hal, with a broken expression. It broke my heart, but I couldn't continue with the chase, there were more important things I needed to take care of.

I ran until I got to the cafeteria where there was a bunch of people. Most members of the Second Mass where grouped and sitting on the floor while guards surrounded them, like they were some type of animal.

My eyes wander around until I finally Avery and Colton along with Lourdes and Anne in one of the groups. Everyone looked dead scared as they tried to protect one another from the people we had though were going to protect us.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I walked to one of the soldiers. I was mad, they had no right to treat others like trash, even if they has those uniforms on.

He said nothing to me, he simply hit me right across the face.

It knocked me down, but i got up as I held my burning cheek. He hit me again, this time my nose got the impact and saw the blood dripping down.

"Stop! She hasn't done anything wrong!" Anne tried to get up, but was pushed down by another soldier.

Out of nowhere, I saw Derek and within a second the soldier hitting me was on the floor. The moment didn't last long as more came and knocked Derek down.

"Take the freak along with her imbecil brother to-" Just hen alarms go off and panic starts taking power over people.

Skitters start coming from all directions and regroup as soldiers start pointing their guns at them. From the other side Tom, Weaver and the rest come foreward.

The soldiers let go of us and pointed their guns at the Skitters. Derek hugged me tight, but immediately pushed me behind him, like it would make any difference.

"I said prepare to fire," Someone directed.

"Stop! We're not here to hurt anyone," a familiar voice screamed as a human body became visible emerging from the grupo of Skitters.

The first one to process the information was Tom as he ran straight to Ben. I was next and almost knocked Ben from a hug. Immediately, he tighten his arms around me and whispered, "Hi."
I was too happy to talk as tears flowed down my face.

We got out of the embrace and there were still pointing with their guns. Tom, Hal, Weaver and a bunch more started screaming for them not to shoot, but it wasn't looking good for us.

Something took over me and suddenly I knew what to so. I stood in front of Ben, forming some kind of barricade. Soon after, everyone in the Second Mass was forming a barrier around the Skitters.

"Guns down."

United we are undefeated.

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