Chapter Four:What happened?

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"Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over."

-Gun Finley

Alex's POV

I tried to open my eyes but I couldnt. My eyes were swollen. My eye lids felt heavy. My body felt as if Id been run over by a cargo truck. I was aching all over.

In any situation that didn't involve the use of silver, I would have healed by now but I guess all that silver wasnt making me heal fast. I couldn't feel my wolf inside me. I tried and willed my eyes to flicker open but no such thing happened. I tried moving my limbs as well but nothing happened.

If you think youve ever felt helpless in your life, imagine how I felt when I couldnt do something as normal and simple as opening my eyes. Top that off with being immobile.

Seeing no other way out of my predicament, I let sleep wash over my body even as a heard faint sounds coming from somewhere outside the room I was being held in.


The first thing I did when I woke up was wince in pain and squint at the bright light coming from right above me. When I looked around the place was empty but I could smell my mum's scent and another which belonged to my mate.

This knowledge that he had been here calmed me down a bit and brought me comfort. My wolf would be happy to learn about this.

I realized that I wasn't in my pack hospital but in a different one. I struggled to sit up and felt excruciating pain flow through my body. My head was splitting. I managed to stand up and suddenly my legs gave away. I fell to the floor and tried standing up but I was too weak. I just couldnt stand.

My guess is all the silver I was exposed to. I laid down on the floor for about five to ten minutes before the door burst open to reveal a grey-haired man with a stethoscope around his neck. He froze in his tracks before he rushed over and carried me, placing me in the bed once again.

"You should rest. I am Mark Kent, the Bloodhound Pack doctor"

"Alexandria" my voice came out like a frog croaking and quickly, Dr. Kent poured me a glass of water. I sipped it and asked for another one.

"Thanks" I finally took my time to look around the room. The room was white just like every other hospital but this one looked a bit more private. There was a door to the left and I guess that is the bathroom and on the right were flowers.

"Oh, a young man brought it when you were out. Said his name was Jake" Jake was here? In Bloodhound territory?

"Exactly how long have I been out?" I asked.

"Four days. I have been out for four days?" I can't really remember the events that took place after I was beaten into unconsciousness. Dr. Kent proceeded to check my vitals.

"There is no major damage but you need to rest for like a week so that all that silver can wear off and leave your system"

"Thanks. Can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead Alexandria." Dr. Kent gave me a reassuring smile.

"Um...I... I was wondering if I was d-defiled or not" I finally stuttered out. Dr. Kent didn't seem fazed that I had asked him such a personal question.

"No, you were not. He just ripped your dress so you would believe that he did." I let out a sigh of relief. Before any of us could utter another word, the double doors burst open and a freshly shaven and immaculately dressed Nicolai grazed us with his presence. The powerful aura still evident around him.

"Alpha" Dr. Kent bowed to him. Nicolai nodded and glanced at me before going ahead to ask Dr. Kent how I was and what not. I zoned out because I was not interested in what they were saying. The only question I had had been answered and I was content.

"You can leave now" was the only part of the conversation that issued between them that I heard.

"Nice to meet you" Dr. Kent said and bid me farewell. Now it was just Nicolai and I all alone in the room. I remembered what happened and decided to get this apology over and done with.

"Alpha Ni..." Nicolai growled and I reframed my sentence.

"Um...Nicolai I wanted to apologize for judging you and for calling you a killer. I am very sorry" Nicolai passed his hands through his hair then held my gaze.

"It isn't like you were lying. I am a killer" he said with no trace whatsoever of any emotion. How could he possibly say that so easily?

"No! I mean yes, you're a killer but then haven't we all killed to protect the ones we love? You were- you are right-I know next to nothing about you thus I shouldn't have been so quick to judge you and for that I am truly sorry." I insisted.

"Just forget about it, Dria" Nobody called me Dria and actually I was glad Nicolai called me that because it means that he was not mad at me or anything. Right?

"You are not going back to your pack." Nicolai gauged my expression as his words sank in.

"What? You can't possibly keep me here against my will. I have family, friends in Midnight Moon"

"It's already been finalized so no argument" With that he walked over to my bed. He stared intently at me and I swear I saw a flicker of an emotion in his eyes but I couldn't really be sure. He kissed my forehead and left.

What at all am I going to do with this mate of mine?

I laid down and sure enough, sleep overcame me.

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