Chapter Forty-One & Epilogue: After-Effects

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"Life goes on whether you choose to move on and take a chance in the unknown. Or stay behind, locked in the past, thinking of what could've been."


Alex's POV

One Month Later...


"Over here" I answered my husband. I turned over unto my stomach so I had a better view of my mate as he walked into our room.

"Hey love" Nicolai placed a kiss on my lips.

"How was work today?" I asked as Nicolai changed from his V-neck shirt and trousers into his pajamas bottoms. As was habit, Nicolai slept shirtless.

"Work was good; we were able to secure the contract."

"That's good. I know you've been working hard to acquire the contract."

"Yeah. Shall we go and check up on Sky before coming to sleep?" Nicolai asked and I nodded my head, getting up from my comfortable position on our bed. Nicolai slung his arm around my shoulders and we walked to Skylars room.

I could remember vividly my delivery. I had had a very stressful pregnancy and I had two wishes; the first for Nicolai and Jake to come back from their quest and the second was for my delivery date to come already.

Two days before my due date I was taken to the hospital because my water broke. I was clueless to what that was because I had invested in learning all I could about pregnancy and childbirth as well as parenthood.

However, I had panicked because Nicolai was still not back from the Mountain of Hope. Was he even still alive? What of my best friend Jake? They both meant so much to me and I don't know what would become of me if they hadn't returned. I would be so devastated I doubt I would be able to continue with my life.

I turned to glance at my mate and sensing this, he gave me a heartwarming smile which I also returned. The time finally came for me to be wheeled into Operating Room 2 to undergo a Caesarian section.



That's what I felt. I had felt all sorts of pain during my pregnancy but this was different. This pain I was feeling was labour pains. I had heard people describe and talk about how being in labour was painful but I had never imagined how the pain would really feel till I was actually experiencing the pain.

Two nurses pushed my bed to the operating room and I was transferred to the bed stationed in Operating Room 2. Dr. Kent was already here with another doctor I had met earlier.

"Hey. Just calm down Luna. We will finish in no time." I could do nothing but nod; not quite believing that we would finish in no time. I just wished Nicolai was here with me. Even if he was unsuccessful I would love to share this experience with him. It was the birth of our first child.

I wanted to be present in the moment so I requested for a spinal block in place of being given general anesthesia. A urinary catheter was inserted to drain my bladder and the skin of the abdomen was then cleaned with an antiseptic.

Dr. Kent was handed the knife to make the incision when Nicolai burst into the Operating Room. The scent of my mate washed over me and I let out a sigh of content. I saw him walk to Dr. Kent and hand him a vial filled with some substance.

Soon after the substance was injected into me I felt a fuzzy sensation throughout my body. I barely felt the touch of the blade as it made contact with my skin. Nicolai held my hand, caressing it and whispering to me throughout the operation till we heard the cry of our baby.

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