Chapter Twenty-Two:Reminiscence

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"Sometimes nostalgia hits me so hard and a memory is too vivid, too real. Sometimes I feel it all again, I hear it all again. Sometimes I find my cheeks wet with tears wetted by smiles of times lost forever to me."

-Willow Teegan


Alex's POV

I met Arthur some time back at a party. I dont really remember how I got wasted at the party but I got very wasted at the party and was sitting at the bar with my head on the table when this guy approached me. Before, I thought he was a nice guy and a gentleman, but little did I know what he had planned was anything but.


I had snuck out of the house to go for a party of one of the high schoolers around. I knew I shouldn't have been there but I needed some excitement in my life. I couldn't always be holed up at home or at the pack hospital all my life.

Moreover, how else was I going to find my mate I had reasoned. I had to go out more, socialize with a lot more people if I was to find my mate.

It was with this reason and justification that I found myself wearing a sexy red strapless formfitting knee length party dress. I finished off my look with light makeup and transparent heels. I didn't even bother bringing a purse along because I saw no use in doing that.

I recognized a few faces from my pack, Midnight Moon pack and the rest, I couldnt place their faces. That didn't bother me though. I wasn't here for them. I was here to have a good time, and if the moon goddess was in a good mood, she would make me meet my mate at this party. But I wasn't really betting on it.

I mean who meets their soulmates at a high school party?

I got myself some punch and walked around making conversation with strangers and generally having a wonderful time. I even danced with a few people.

Anytime my cup got empty, I would go for a refill and at a point in time I lost count of how much of the punch Id consumed.

Feeling for a much stronger drink, I went to the bar and helped myself with two shots of some drink I dont know. I was pretty wasted but I didn't really care. I put my head on the counter at the bar and closed my eyes. My eyes were too heavy and I figured itd be much better to keep them closed.

"What is a pretty girl like yourself doing all alone at this place in your state of being? Didn't you come here with someone?" I slowly turned my head to look at the person who decided to use such a cheesy pickup line on me; all the while not lifting my head of the table at the bar.

"Aren't you going to talk?" he asked. Why wouldn't he just go away? Cant a girl get some alone time at a party? Or was it a crime to be at a party alone? I couldn't really tell.

My vision was cloudy but I could make out his form. He wasnt bulky or muscular. On the contrary, he was quite lean and from what I could, unmated. That would explain why he had approached me. No mated man would approach a lady unless it was for a totally different reason other than to hit on her.

"Come on. Let me get you out of here." I know it was wrong on so many levels to go with him but I stood up, wavering on my feet. I slouched back into my seat and guy (thats how wed call him for now) helped me up.

We walked for some time until he stopped in front of a door and opened it. I was ushered inside and soon after, my heels and jewellery, as well as clothes came off. Leaving me in just my lingerie.

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