Chapter Ten:Bed Warmers And Over Bearing Mates

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"Don't try to understand everything because sometimes it is not meant to be understood but accepted. "


Alex's POV

Life sucks!

I lay in the grass still in wolf form reflecting over my life. My life flashed before my eyes but it wasn't the usual, normal life flashed before my eyes when you were about to die. This was different. Completely different! It was more of looking at my life in retrospection.

As a teenager, I had had two main objectives in my life... Become a pack doctor like my mum and to find my mate. Werewolves took finding your mate really seriously and almost everyone looked forward to finding the person destined for them by the Moon Goddess.

But now, I had to worry about more things like how to still manage to be a pack doctor, how to get Nicolai (my so called mate who treats me like dirt and was so mercurial), to finally accept me and treat me like what I deserved and to find out whatever the hell that Alpha Nicolai was hiding!

Rustle behind me made stand on all fours. The peace and quiet of the place was disturbed. I scanned the vicinity to check who was there but I saw no one there. I came to the conclusion that I needed to enter the cottage and see who was there.

When I entered the place, it was spotlessly clean. Everything was intact, not a single item out of place. I could smell the scent of a female (somehow we could differentiate between a male and female's scent even if you don't know them).

"Well, well, well. See who decided to pay me a visit a feminine voice sneered. I turned and I saw a girl of about the same height as me. She was beautiful, I had to give her that. She was blonde her hair reaching her back. She was wearing a tank top with shorts. She had an anklet around her ankle (duh! where else would she have had it?)

All I could do was growl because I was still in wolf form. Blondey here just laughed at me and I couldn't help but growl which made her break into a bout of laughter.

"Aww...can't talk? Anyway, I want to tell you that I am a big fan of yours"

What was she talking about?

"OH. I forgot you cant talk in wolf form" she spat.

"Anyway I am your biggest fan because you are the mate of Nicolai"

Who is she and why and how come she refers to Nicolai using his first name and not his title?

"You want to know who I am right? Maybe I will tell you later, who knows?"

Who the fuck did she think she was? And how many people knew that I was Nicolai's mate?

"What I want is simple." she paused for dramatic effect then continued.

I want you to leave. Abandon Nicolai and the pack. Go far away that no one would find a trace of you. Nicolai doesn't like you and he said so himself she walked round me venom lased in her voice. I turned around so I was always looking at her.

I am sure anyone who walked in here would think we were fighting because we were circling each other but that would be a lie. Not that I wouldn't like to pounce on her and break some bones.

"Nicolai is mine and no one else's so stay clear off him. I would take my advice if I were you" a growl escape from deep within me and I bared my teeth at her.

You think you can scare me? Then think again, girl!

"So, I have come to the decision that I will tell you who I truly am so that you don't have sleepless nights" now she was directly in front of me. She crouched to my height.

"I am... Avery Sparks, and regarding who I am to Nicolai...I am the one who keeps his bed warm at night. Although now we meet and spend the night here"

That explained why he didn't sleep at the pack house after we had the argument.

"Now leave and never return to this place. This is our little haven" I turned and left through the door I had walked through a few minutes ago. This time I went to the pack house. Travis was there with Aiden.

"Where did you go? We searched the whole place for you."

"I don't want to talk about it. I am going to bed." I continued walking and I had almost reached the top of the stairs when the last person I wanted to see yet alone engage in a conversation with, addressed me.

"No, you are not! We are going to talk about it here...NOW!" I turned to look at Nicolai. Judging by the clouds outside it was almost four in the morning. I descended the stairs but did so slowly. Like when you are going to prom and your date is waiting for you downstairs. You walk slowly so that all attention is on you and your date could look and admire you and the dress you were wearing. Well you get the picture now. Three pairs of eyes were on me as I slowly descended the stairs like a queen.

I maintained eye contact with Nicolai. I didn't want him to see me as some weakling (not that he didnt already).

"Can you start your story telling because I have not got all day" Do I need to tell you who said that? Nope! but I will. Those words came out of the mouth of a fucking arrogant alpha who so happens to be my mate. I ignored and went to take a seat in the sofa. Then proceeded to cross my legs. I heard a growl which I am sure came from Nicolai but I also ignored it.

"Since your Royal Highness is comfortable now why doesn't she start with the talking. As I said...I don't have all day"

"What is wrong with you? You think you can just demand I tell you about what I do and don't do? I am no slave to be at your beck and call. I also have a life or at least I used to" I murmur the last part to myself but they still heard me.

"You want to know where I was right? I went to Midnight Moon Pack to see my family and friends because I knew you wouldn't let me. But do you know what happened?" I laughed bitterly. The silence encouraged me to continue

"I had to choose between my family and my mate and I fucking chose you! My parents chose the pack over me! Their daughter! And I was banned from coming there. I can't see my family anymore. And do you know why? All because I chose to fucking stay with a mate who doesn't acknowledge me and treats me like I dont exist! So, thank you very much for ruining my life Alpha". Tears were rolling down my face by the time I finished. The place remained silent and I figured why not tell them about my encounter with Avery.

"Oh, and I forgot, I met the girl who keeps your bed warm"

"Who, Avery?" Nicolai asked and my heart sank. I guess a small part of me wished it wasnt true. A little part of me had hoped that what Avery said were just fibs to get me all riled up but they are true. Nicolai had had a thing with Avery.

"It's true then?" I asked and ran up the stairs. I slammed my door behind me for good measure as I sank to the ground, allowing my sorrows to encompass me.

This chapter is dedicated to kevinswife. Thanks for all your votes.

So I was FINALLY able to watch Frozen to the end.So my question is....who is your favourite character?


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