Chapter Thirty-Two: Revelations

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"Sometimes, you really just dont know what to say because, what you really want to say is something that you just cannot say."


Alex's POV

I woke up in a hospital bed. That much was obvious. It took some seconds for my eyes to fully adjust to the light in the room. I then took the time to cast my eyes around the hospital room.

There was nothing extra-O about the room- pretty much looked like any other hospital room. I continued looking at the room till my eyes landed on the one person I wanted to see and also didnt want anything to do with.

Nicolai Freaking Sharpe!

"I'd go get Dr. Kent. I'll be right back." Nicolai said quietly and stood from his seat to do as he had said. I thought back to what had happened before I had blacked out.

Why hadn't he answered any of my mind links?

Where was he when I needed him most?

Did he not care about me like he said he did?

These three questions were at the top of my questions list. I was so confused and didnt know what to make of everything that had happened so far.

"Miss Tate, I'm glad youre awake. How are you feeling?" Dr. Kent asked with a smile on his face.

"I'm glad to be awake too. I'm feeling okay I guess." I responded with a shrug.

"Okay. You've been out for just two days. During that time, I had to sedate you and administer morphine to you because of the intense pain you were experiencing. I'd examine you and then we'd run some few tests to know when you can go back home." Dr. Kent explained as he examined me.

All the while Dr. Kent was examining me I stared at my mate. I only just looked away from him to answer questions Dr. Kent had for me.

I still couldn't decide whether or not I wanted Nicolai here. He had let me down and I was very hurt. I let out a sigh and just laid there after Dr. Kent was done examining me. It wasn't like I had anywhere else to go.

"I'd go and run the tests and then get back to you on whether or not you can go home later in the day."

"Sure thing. Thanks."

"Thanks" Nicolai said as Dr. Kent left us alone. Now it was just us. Just Nicolai and I. I didnt know what I was going to say to him. I felt a bit awkward. I don't know if it only happens to me. Should something happen between someone and myself and I have to talk to the person after, I just feel queasy or a bit lost for words.

It is only when the person speaks that I realize that its fine and that I can actually go through with the conversation. Weird, I know.

The silence in the room stretched on as it was pretty obvious that neither of us wanted to be the first to break it. I occasionally glanced at Nicolai to find that he seemed to be deep in thoughts.

I let him be. I wasn't planning on being the one to initiate the conversation. He had not been there for me so if anything he is the one who had a lot to say. I glanced at him again and this time our eyes met. I held his gaze for a few seconds and then turned away.

I closed my eyes. I was feeling overwhelmed. Many emotions coursed through me as I laid there.

"Dria I-"Nicolai started but stopped. That did it for me. The first tear slid down my cheek, then another and before I knew it I was full out crying. I heard and felt Nicolai rush to my side and engulf me in his embrace.

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