Chapter Eighteen :Is He Really Mine??

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"I'm scared of losing you, but then again, you're not even mine."


Alex's POV

It's been two days since Jake told me about this whole full moon thing having something to do with my heightened feelings towards Nicholai.

Two days since I realized that I'd be marked and claimed by Nicholai on the full moon.

Two whole days since I seduced Nicholai in his room. He hasn't spoken to me ever since by the way.

And now... Feeling angry and mad and raged and annoyed and-

I think they get it now.

-as I was saying, I was flabbergasted at this whole 'packs waging a war against Nicholai and his pack' thing.

It's not like I doubted Nicolai or his abilities or his people's abilities... No! It's just that I wouldn't want anything to happen to him.

He's my mate after all.

Regarding my training with Jake, it's going on very well if I do say so myself.

As of now I'm the only person of my sex who is allowed and who trains with the warriors of Bloodhound Pack. Nicolai refuses to accept any female warriors saying that it's the duty of the male population to protect and lay down their lives for the females and children in the pack.

Isn't he just so caring...?

Jake comes to me to check how I am doing once in a while. He trained with Nicolai now... For reasons I don't even know.

I've been watching them (Nicolai and Jake) for some time now and seems like my best friend is closer to my mate than I am to him.

Sad, isn't it...?

Well I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I've come to a conclusion.

I've decided not to go after Nicolai. I won't make any passes at him and neither will I try to stop any passes he makes at me or try stopping whatever feelings I'm developing towards him.

I'll just move with the flow. Let nature or our fate take its course.

Even if it means getting hurt so many times?

Yes! Even if it means getting hurt.

And having to wait for a very long time?

Yes! Even that.

Moreover, what was a relationship without any risks being taken? Relationships in itself are a risk we take not to talk of all the other risks that come with it.

That said and done, I haven't seen Veronica around these days but who knows, maybe it's cuz I never actually asked her where she'd be heading after the incident. She hadn't been seen since that incident with Nicolai when I brought her here without Nicolai's knowledge

I was currently in the hall with Aiden watching Scorpion, my all-time favourite series. We were watching the episode with the runaway train. We've currently gotten to the place where Walter is jumping onto the fast-moving train.

I would totally recommend this series to anyone and everyone!

Aiden was discharged three days ago. He couldn't do things like he could before but he was much better than when Nicolai beat him up. He uses a wheelchair though and I can't help but feel sad and guilty anytime I saw him.

"You're doing it again." I was startled. I was lost in thought as usual.

"Doing what again?"

"Blaming yourself"

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